Zhonggong Entertainment

Positive value is the soul of traffic

Source: hubei daily
2024-05-23 11:06

Original title: Positive value is the soul of traffic

Reading summary

No matter how the live broadcast industry develops, what the society needs is always positive energy that is good and inspiring, rather than negative energy that does not distinguish right from wrong and has no bottom line.

Heze South Station, which was used as the background of live broadcast and became popular, finally regained its former tranquility.

"In order to create a good learning, living and examination environment for the vast number of examinees, Heze South Railway Station will no longer hold various cultural and entertainment activities." A notice issued by Heze South Railway Station recently showed a red card to the evil live broadcast that has dominated the local area for several days, conveying a clear attitude of rejecting the flow of evil customs. At the same time, some short video accounts have been banned because of "eye-catching social hot events or characters".

For the popularity of "Guo Youcai", people's praise and attention are not only the recognition of their talent performance, but also the affirmation of their philosophy. However, the anchors who follow the flow everywhere and "touch porcelain" hot figures, those who dress up strangely and speak vulgarly, and those who "ignore public order and good customs for the sake of popularity" are ignorant of the benefits, which bring about a dirty atmosphere and deformed values. No matter how the live broadcast industry develops, what the society needs is always positive energy that is good and inspiring, rather than negative energy that does not distinguish right from wrong and has no bottom line.

The Internet never lacks traffic, but not all traffic can be rubbed. In the field of live broadcast, although the myth of grassroots counter attack is only a few, it is often magnified by the network, attracting people to rush. People worry about what will happen to society when more and more people, especially young people, strive to become popular webmasters and fantasize about getting rich overnight; People are worried that if the deformed way of making wealth grows stronger and stronger, regardless of social value, whether to become a leader or not will mislead more people into indulging in the illusory "Internet celebrity dream". The online world has been deeply integrated with the real world, and the real social life is behind the traffic. Recently, many millions of online fans have been banned. One of their common characteristics is that they "frequently show their luxurious lifestyle". Some college students or the anchorman who pretends to be a college student blindly follow the vulgar and marginal line, which shows that there is no limit to the flow realization. In the pursuit of online popularity, how to guide young people to establish correct values is an unavoidable responsibility of the whole society.

At a time when the cultural and tourism industry is so popular, no city does not want to become a traffic highland. But how to look at the flow and how to catch the flow is a problem that major cities should face rationally and think calmly. For local people, the sudden torrential flow can only be transformed into the economic benefits expected by society if it falls steadily. It's food in Zibo, ice and snow in Harbin, and culture in Kaifeng. I'm afraid that Heze can't just build roads and "light signs" to make the flow fall. If it is not tourists but anchors that swarm in, the greater the traffic, the more likely the image of the city will be damaged. The flow that breaks through the moral bottom line, or even is sliding into the legal abyss, no matter how big it is, can not be needed. The city out of the circle is not a static result. Only by being good at capturing the real demand and making changes according to the circumstances can network traffic be transformed into development energy.

Cyberspace is not a moral wasteland, but a high place of value. It must not let vulgar, false, abusive and other network cancers become the "obsession" of the public, the "separator" of society, and the "soft knife" of killing people. Every live shot is a window to produce values. The mainstream value system of the society is stable, and the content of taking the edge, reversing right and wrong, and being out of line to attract attention is disgraceful and unsustainable. "Grasp the microphone in hand", put the social value ahead, let the mainstream value fill the live broadcast room, it is possible to win the "flow gift", usher in the dream of social recognition come true. Zhou Lei

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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