Zhonggong Entertainment

The promotion of books on platform 618 is a good thing, but the publishing house cannot be forced to participate

Source: Zhong An Online
2024-05-23 11:04

Original title: Platform 618 book promotion is a good thing, but publishers cannot be forced to participate

Before the beginning of 618 this year, two "joint statement notification letters" issued by the publishing industry were circulated on the Internet. The two notification letters were sent by 8 Beijing publishing houses and Shanghai Publishing Management Association on behalf of 46 publishing units in Shanghai, stating that they would not participate in the 618 promotion program proposed by Jiangsu Yuanzhou E-commerce Co., Ltd. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jingdong Mall). The company is responsible for operating the book business, and its promotion plan proposed that the price of all kinds of books will be guaranteed at a discount of 2-3% for 8 days in total during 618.

This event not only makes us reflect on the rationality of the platform promotion activities, but also makes us realize the importance of protecting the interests of the publishing industry and maintaining the market order in today's increasingly fierce market competition.

The Jingdong platform plans to promote 618 books with good intentions. As the carrier of knowledge dissemination, the reduction of the price of books will undoubtedly stimulate consumers' purchasing desire and promote cultural consumption. At the same time, for e-commerce platforms, books, as an important traffic portal, can attract more users and enhance the platform's influence through promotional activities. However, the key issue is whether this promotion scheme is legal and compliant, and whether it respects the wishes and interests of publishers.

From the report, we can see that the promotion plan has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the publishing house. The reason is that JD unilaterally formulated a very low sales discount, which is far below the cost bottom line of the publishing house. For publishers, book pricing includes not only direct costs such as printing and paper, but also human costs such as editing, proofreading, marketing, and operating costs. If the book is sold at a discount of 2-3, it means that the publishing house will sell the book at a cost price or even at a loss price, which is undoubtedly a serious damage to the interests of the publishing house.

More seriously, JD is suspected of violating the anti-monopoly law and other laws and regulations. The Anti monopoly Law stipulates that operators with dominant market positions are prohibited from tying up commodities without proper reasons, or attaching other unreasonable trading conditions to transactions. As an e-commerce platform, JD's market position is self-evident. JD Platform, taking advantage of its own channel advantages, unilaterally requires the publishing house to participate in promotional activities and set unreasonable sales discounts, which is undoubtedly a disruptive act to the book market.

In addition, the E-commerce Law of the People's Republic of China and its supporting regulations also clearly stipulate the responsibilities and obligations of e-commerce platform operators. It clearly stipulates that e-commerce platform operators shall not use service agreements, transaction rules, technologies and other means to unreasonably restrict or attach unreasonable conditions to the transactions, transaction prices and transactions with other operators of the platform operators, or charge unreasonable fees from the platform operators to interfere with the independent operation of the platform operators. Jingdong's behavior obviously violates this provision and interferes with the independent management right of the publishing house.

In the face of this event, we can't help asking: should e-commerce platforms respect the interests of other market entities while pursuing their own interests? In the market competition, how should all parties protect their own interests while promoting the healthy development of the market?

First, e-commerce platforms should respect the wishes and interests of publishers. When planning promotional activities, we should fully communicate with the publishing house and negotiate to develop reasonable sales discounts and promotional programs. Only in this way can we ensure that promotional activities can not only attract consumers, but also protect the interests of publishers.

Secondly, government regulators should strengthen the supervision of e-commerce platforms. Those who violate laws and regulations and disrupt market order should be investigated and dealt with according to law to maintain fair competition and healthy development of the market.

Finally, we should appeal to consumers to consume rationally. While enjoying promotions, we should also pay attention to the quality of goods and the interests of publishers. Only through joint efforts can we promote the healthy development of the market and achieve a win-win situation.

To sum up, the promotion of books on platform 618 is a good thing, but publishers cannot be forced to participate. Only on the premise of respecting the interests of all parties and abiding by laws and regulations, can promotional activities truly realize their due value. (Yu Minghui)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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