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Take a Two pronged Approach to Eradicate Thesis Writing

Source: Guangzhou Daily
2024-05-23 10:49

Original title: Take a Two pronged Approach to Eradicate Essays

Recently, a reporter from the Beijing News found that the batch production of papers by the black ash production team was very popular. The intermediaries posted posters, solicited customers to negotiate prices, and the writers took orders, which seemed to form a complete gray industry chain.

The profession of ghostwriting has existed since ancient times. In the past, many illiterate people asked "experts" to write for them. It is ironic today that the professional ability of the gunmen is also declining. The entry threshold for some paper writers is frighteningly low. Many people only have junior high school education and do not understand academic writing at all, but as long as they can use AI and other tools, they can contract to write papers for college students and even graduate students. What a ridiculous thing.

It harms academic ecology and damages educational fairness. Both the gunmen and intermediaries, as well as those students who try to take shortcuts, must be punished more vigorously to form a powerful deterrent. This is also a common solution to the problem of ghostwriting. However, in my opinion, the problems related to education must be solved from the educational level after all.

From the micro level, more attention should be paid to the guidance and participation of tutors. At present, the supervision of students' papers in many colleges and universities is often limited to the opening and defense, and some tutors neglect the daily guidance of students' paper writing, which leads to the generation of papers to muddle through. From this point of view, if the gatekeeper can calm down and give guidance to the whole process of students' papers, students must not dare to deal with it at will, and the "underground transaction" of proxy papers will be difficult to have a market. From the medium level, we should also optimize the evaluation mechanism. The reason why the chaos of paper proxy writing has been repeatedly prohibited is also related to the current single academic evaluation standard. Paying more attention to the results, less to the quality and less to the process, to some extent, helps to develop various academic misconduct such as ghosting and plagiarism. Therefore, it is necessary to build a multi evaluation system for this drug. (Fu Yinghong)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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