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Online car hailing has intensified, calling for fine supervision

Source: Zhejiang Daily
2024-05-23 10:46

Original title: Intensified online car hailing, calling for refined supervision

Recently, the topic of "online car hailing market saturation" has attracted attention again. Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, Suzhou in Jiangsu, Chongqing and other places have successively issued risk warnings on online car hailing industry, and Putian in Fujian, Shangqiu in Henan and other places have also publicly warned against entering the online car hailing industry. The data shows that the daily average number of orders received by a multi grid taxi is no more than 20, the average revenue per car is about 20 yuan, and the average daily revenue per car is only 200 yuan.

In fact, since last year, online car hailing has become saturated in many places. The main reason is that the online car hailing industry has a low employment threshold. Under the current employment pressure, it has become a "reservoir" to absorb flexible employment, leading to a sharp increase in the number of online car hailing platforms and their employees in recent years, but the public demand for taxi travel tends to be stable, followed by more monks and less porridge, and the industry volume intensifies.

On the one hand, online taxi drivers complain that they can't earn money, and on the other hand, passengers constantly complain about the decline of riding experience. Many passengers said that they had experienced such behaviors as random cancellation of orders by drivers, bad service attitude, intentional detours, and private requests for price increases. Online car hailing "becomes more and more smelly" has also caused widespread discussion.

Behind the chaos, it can not be ignored that individual online car hailing platforms blindly expand their scale and relax their access without restrictions, resulting in a considerable number of unlicensed drivers and vehicles in the "reservoir". Just a few days ago, as the daily average order double compliance rate (that is, both vehicles and personnel must comply) was lower than 99%, Ningbo suspended the new vehicle license of two online car hailing companies.

Whether it is the decline in service quality or the problems in compliance management, we can see that in the internal volume war, some online car hailing platforms and practitioners did not improve their competitiveness through "volume services", but went to the wrong area of desperate "volume scale" and "volume cost". If this situation does not change, passengers' willingness to take online car hailing will decline, drivers' income will continue to "shrink", and the industry will fall into a vicious circle.

How to make online car hailing develop in a standardized and orderly way is a test of the city's governance ability. Relevant regulatory policies need to be more professional and refined.

The "reservoir" will be full, so it should be regulated from the source. In addition to issuing industry warnings, some places also suspended the issuance of online car hailing licenses and operation licenses, and closed the gates of new market capacity. Such measures to regulate supply are necessary. But in the long run, in addition to pressing the "Pause key", an orderly "Exit key" should also be set. All regions should further strengthen the top-level design, grasp the scale of online car hailing capacity, formulate relevant service quality evaluation standards as soon as possible, clean up the unqualified and substandard stock capacity, and make room for new capacity with better service quality, so as to achieve industry metabolism and eliminate industry risk hazards.

In addition, it is necessary to regulate the online car hailing freight rate and pricing. The proportion of aggregation travel platforms rising in recent years is too high, which has been criticized repeatedly. A media survey shows that many online car hailing platforms currently charge a total fee of far more than 30% of the order amount, and some orders have been "resold layer by layer" and even half of them have been withdrawn. It is obviously not conducive to the healthy development of the industry. The regulatory department should supervise the platform to standardize the freight rate deduction standard, and should not abuse the market advantage to damage the interests of interested parties.

The "saturation crisis" faced by online car hailing is the "pain" of industry development and also an opportunity for further optimization and adjustment. Local governments should adjust measures to local conditions and build a more scientific and reasonable dynamic management mechanism. For the platform and drivers, it is also important to realize that the online car hailing industry has entered the second half. Only by focusing on improving services, improving user experience, and committed to innovation and reform of models, can it be stable and far-reaching. Zhu Zheping

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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