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"Three leaps" in scientific research, development and application - the scientific and technological achievements of northeastern universities boost high-quality development to a higher level

Source: Xinhua News Agency
2024-05-23 10:28

Original title: "Three leaps" in scientific research, development and application - scientific and technological achievements of northeastern universities boost high-quality development to a higher level

If science and technology are established, the nation will be established; if science and technology are strong, the country will be strong.

There are 258 universities in the three northeastern provinces, including 11 "double first-class" universities. From participating in the research of China's first nuclear submarine and the first recoverable satellite, to assisting in the development of the Long March series carrier rocket and C919 aircraft... Harbin University of Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Jilin University, Dalian University of Technology, Northeastern University and a number of other colleges and universities, continue to provide scientific and technological support for serving the strategy of becoming a powerful country and regional revitalization.

Since the implementation of the revitalization strategy of the Northeast, colleges and universities across the Northeast have grasped the "bull's nose" of independent innovation, built pilot test platforms, carried out school enterprise docking, and accelerated the transformation and implementation of scientific research achievements. The "triple jump" from scientific research, experimental development, and promotion and application has been completed, boosting the high-quality development of the Northeast to a new level.

"Wake up" scientific research achievements to build a pilot platform

When the wheels turn, the car with the intelligent chassis moves horizontally and turns in place like a crab. In the workshop of Maddick Zhixing Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., scientific researchers showed the newly developed sample vehicle model.

Jin Liqiang, a professor in the School of Automotive Engineering of Jilin University, said that this technology had matured in 2017, but it lacked opportunities to go to the market. The laboratory is only one step away from the front line of industry.

On March 13, 2024, Changchun Madick Zhixing Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., Professor Jin Liqiang (third from the right) of the School of Automotive Engineering of Jilin University, and colleagues inspected the intelligent chassis sample vehicle. Photographed by Zhang Nan, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

In 2023, Changchun City and the High tech Industrial Development Zone will jointly provide them with a seed fund of 10 million yuan and 3300 square meters of factory buildings, making the "golden idea" fruitful.

The pilot scale ripening platform is a key link to promote the scientific and technological achievements from the laboratory to the market, and it is also a testing ground to test whether the scientific and technological achievements can "turn stone into gold". The education and science and technology departments of the three northeastern provinces set up a pilot maturation platform, issued incentive policies, let university experts enter the enterprise, and let scientific research achievements become products from papers.

Connect universities and enterprises at the same time. In 2023, Changchun Science and Technology Bureau and Jilin University will jointly build Jilin University Concept Verification Center to ensure the feasibility of scientific research achievements in the technical route and business model, and realize the transformation from "0 to 1".

Liaoning Province optimized and reorganized the university scientific research platform by means of enrichment, adjustment, merger and cancellation. In 2023, Liaoning universities will add and reorganize 6 national key laboratories and 8 research platforms of the Ministry of Education.

Heilongjiang Province has built the first seven innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in Harbin, Qiqihar, Jiamusi and Daqing, and accelerated the transformation of science and education resource advantages into innovation and development advantages.

Take off the lab clothes and put on the work clothes, and batches of university scholars enter the enterprise.

"Move the research into the workshop and serve the production with science and technology." Liaoning University of Technology launched the action of doctor joining the enterprise to provide "one-on-one" technical guidance and consulting services for enterprises.

Northeast Normal University has issued a policy to advance the rewards for achievements transformation, distribute the ownership of achievements according to the proportion of 1:9 between the school and the person who completed the achievements, and break through the bottleneck of the transfer and transformation of high-value scientific and technological achievements.

Harbin Engineering University has set up the "Special Fund for Longjiang" to select teachers and graduate teams to go deep into the front line of enterprises, promote collaborative innovation between schools and enterprises, promote the local application and transformation of mature scientific and technological achievements on campus, build an "immersive" new mode of school enterprise integration, and promote the generation of new quality productivity.

"The government and the school set up a platform for school enterprise cooperation, and the front-line teachers became the protagonists of the" singing on the stage ", helping to resolve the bottleneck problems that restrict the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the development of enterprises, which has produced huge economic and social benefits," said Shi Zhaohui, deputy director of the Science and Technology Department of Heilongjiang Province.

"Connecting" Experiment Development "Two way Running" of School and Enterprise

The key to promoting the all-round revitalization of Northeast China is scientific and technological innovation, and the direction is industrial upgrading. Guided by the difficulties and pain points of industrial upgrading, the three northeastern provinces adopt the system of "unveiling the list and taking the lead", promote the docking between schools and enterprises, and let science and technology help to ignite industrial upgrading.

Enterprises "set questions" and universities "solve questions".

In the Hefeng Gymnasium of Shenyang Agricultural University in Shenyang, the crowd was surging and the interaction was warm. At the conference on the transformation and docking of scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities in Liaoning Province held here, scientific and technological ideas collided violently with the needs of enterprises. The Education Department of Liaoning Province released the scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities and the key technology needs of enterprises on the spot, building a bridge for both sides.

On the spot of Liaoning Provincial University Science and Technology Achievements Transformation and Matchmaking Conference held in Hefeng Gymnasium of Shenyang Agricultural University (September 2023). Shen Jizhong

"Today, the technical contract amount signed between our university and enterprises reached 12.354 million yuan, a new high!" said the relevant person in charge of Shenyang Agricultural University.

"How to break through the technical bottleneck?" "How to remedy the product defects?" At the Jilin University Biomedical Special Scientific and Technological Achievements Roadshow held by Changchun Science and Technology Bureau, pharmaceutical enterprises exchanged enthusiastically with university scientific and technological personnel around the technical problems they faced. Such docking, roadshows and training activities are held almost every day in Changchun Science and Technology Market.

"According to the needs of enterprises, we have adopted the system of" unveiling and leading ", so that the scientific research force of colleges and universities can provide a source of water for industrial upgrading." The relevant person in charge of Changchun Science and Technology Bureau introduced.

Aerospace, electronic information, high-end equipment, new materials, intelligent agricultural machinery... Heilongjiang plans to deploy provincial key research and development projects, and carry out technological breakthroughs around strategic emerging industries. Through the support of major projects such as the key R&D plan "unveiling the list and taking the lead", enterprises are guided to form a joint research body with universities and research institutes.

Under the system of "unveiling the list and taking the lead", the role of the "incremental device" of scientific and technological innovation has been brought into full play.

In the workshop, welding spatters were splashed. The front conveying equipment for the threshold of multiple models jointly developed by Changchun University of Technology and Jilin Bailang Auto Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. quickly sent the front threshold of the car to the welding line, realizing the rapid positioning and transmission of the front threshold of the body in white side walls of different models. The series of technical achievements represented by this have improved the automation degree of the enterprise's production line and product quality, and saved the enterprise's costs.

In the ore plant, thousands of square meters of ore dressing workshop is empty, and dozens of tons of heavy equipment are unattended around, while all processes on the production line are operating normally... Liaoning Fushun Hanwang Ore Dressing Plant relies on the intelligent optimization decision-making and control integration technology led by Chai Tianyou, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor of Northeast University, to complete the production of thousands of tons of high-grade iron ores every day.

Ice and snow, fairy tale castle, ice bricks are precisely cut by the machine. Professor Ren Bingyin's team of Harbin Institute of Technology solved the problem that Harbin Ice and Snow World has no automatic production equipment for standard ice blocks for a long time. Their AI vision based intelligent inspection algorithm for the quality of ice blocks has achieved many results.

Papers written on the earth, achievements applied to industry

Through the deep integration of industry and research, traditional industries have been upgraded, emerging industries have set sail rapidly, and the scientific and technological strength of northeastern colleges and universities has continued to support the comprehensive revitalization of northeast China.

The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology and Beidahuang Group have deeply cooperated, and many artificial intelligence models have "walked" into the fields on fertile black land.

The agricultural remote sensing, growth analysis, pest detection, weed identification and other perception models jointly developed by schools and enterprises have been gradually completed, realizing unmanned cultivation, planting, management and harvesting, and achieving significant results in precision operation, cost reduction and efficiency increase.

On April 18, 2024, in the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of Harbin University of Technology Co., Ltd., researchers were conducting data programming. Photographed by Zhang Tao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"We continue to promote the cross research of agriculture and industry, deepen the research and application of big data and artificial intelligence, and lead the construction of modern agriculture," said Jin Jing, vice president of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology.

In Henghui Photoelectric Measurement Technology (Jilin) Co., Ltd., the greenhouse gas concentration monitor is like a sensitive nose, which can "smell" the change of carbon emission concentration in the atmosphere and accurately measure carbon emissions.

On March 14, 2024, the staff of Henghui Photoelectric Measurement Technology (Jilin) Co., Ltd. located in Changchun, Jilin, assembled optical measurement instruments. Photographed by Zhang Nan, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Chang Shuai, the founder of the company, introduced that they have developed serial products such as dual band aerosol lidar, wind lidar and high-precision greenhouse gas concentration meter by using the technical achievements of Changchun University of Technology to focus on the environmental protection, energy and transportation industries, which can accurately retrieve atmospheric transmittance, environmental pollution source emissions, wind speed and direction, carbon flux and carbon concentration measurement, It can contribute hundreds of millions of yuan of output value in the future.

For a long time, the key medical equipment used for blood cell analysis in major domestic hospitals was monopolized by foreign enterprises. Under the leadership of Academician Peng Xiaojun of Dalian University of Technology, Professor Fan Jiangli, together with the team members, successfully developed a high-end five category blood cell analysis system based on targeted near-infrared fluorescent dyes, which is used for routine blood testing. Its detection results are accurate and fast, not only breaking the monopoly of foreign enterprises, but also half the price of imported equipment.

Professor Fan Jiangli (left), from the School of Chemical Engineering of Dalian University of Technology, viewed the experimental results with colleagues and students (photographed in November 2021). Shen Jizhong

In 2023, colleges and universities in Jilin Province will undertake 1272 achievements application and science and technology service projects and 452 technology transfer contracts; Heilongjiang Province supported 150 provincial key research and development projects, driving enterprises to invest 526 million yuan in research and development; Liaoning ordinary colleges and universities transformed 7638 scientific and technological achievements, with a transformation contract amount of 4.026 billion yuan.

"We need to further strengthen organized scientific research, constantly strengthen the originality and leading scientific and technological breakthroughs, strive to achieve more breakthroughs in" from scratch "and" from existing to strong ", and earnestly shoulder the responsibility of strengthening the national strategic scientific and technological strength and accelerating the promotion of high-level science and technology self-reliance and self-improvement." Jiang Zhiying, secretary of the Party Committee of Jilin University, said.

Written reporters: Li Shuangxi, Wang Ying, Yang Siqi

Video reporter: Gao Ming, Zhang Nan, Wang He, Zhang Tao

Poster design: Ma Fazhan

Editors: Zhang Hongsheng, Hao Yalin, Qi Wenjuan, Han Fang, Wu Jinfu, Hu Bixia

Coordinator: He Yuxin, Huang Xiaoxi

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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