Zhonggong Entertainment

New Family Members Migratory birds in Xinjiang's wetlands are busy nesting

Source: CCTV News Client
2024-05-23 10:07

Original title: New Family, Migratory Birds in Xinjiang Wetlands Settle down and Nest Busily

In the middle of May, many wetlands in southern and northern Xinjiang entered the peak season for hatching and brooding of various migratory birds.

At present, with the temperature gradually rising, the reeds in the Tarim River wetland in Alar City, Xinjiang are turning green, and hundreds of thousands of egrets, herons, cormorants and other migratory birds that have settled down to nest in them are gradually hatching and starting to breed.


In the reeds, more than 5000 young egrets emerged from their shells. They were learning to walk and looked into the distance. The gray and white young egrets rested under the wings of adult birds.

On the dead trees in the river, the young cormorant birds are crying beside the adult birds. After more than two months of brooding, these young birds can live independently.


Dahaizi National Wetland Park in Hutubi County, Changji Prefecture, viewed from a high altitude, there are several small white dots in the wetland islands covered by dark brown reeds. The reeds cover nearly 100 small families of egrets and herons. After two months of spawning and hatching, the small family ushered in new life, and the fluffy young birds began to shell.


With the improvement of ecological environment in many places in Xinjiang, many migratory birds breed in many wetlands in Xinjiang every year, even become resident birds.

(Chief reporter Cui Ning, Su Meng, Zhou Qinyi)

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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