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There is an outbreak risk of severe hand foot mouth disease related virus

Source: Beijing Daily
2024-05-23 09:58

Original title: There is an outbreak risk of severe hand foot mouth disease related virus

Beijing Daily (reporter Wang Yaoqi Chairong) The weekly report of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently released an investigation on hand foot mouth disease virus. Coxsackie virus A6 has become the main pathogen leading to severe cases of hand foot mouth disease in China. At present, Coxsackie virus A6 associated with severe hand foot mouth disease is evolving, and there is a risk of outbreak.

The research team introduced that hand foot mouth disease is an infectious disease mainly caused by a variety of enteric viruses, which mainly affects infants and children. The symptoms are usually fever, mouth ulcers and rashes. The symptoms are generally mild and can be alleviated within 7 to 10 days. However, some severe cases may have life-threatening neurological, respiratory or circulatory complications. Previously, enterovirus A71 was the main pathogen leading to severe cases of hand, foot and mouth disease. In 2016, the inactivated vaccine of enterovirus A71 began to be widely used, significantly reducing the incidence of HFMD cases caused by the virus. However, due to the lack of cross protection between different enterovirus serotypes, the diversity of pathogens of severe HFMD has changed.

According to the National Laboratory Monitoring Network for Pathogens of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, the research team investigated severe cases of hand, foot and mouth disease in China from 2012 to 2023, and obtained 74 strains of coxsackie virus A6 strain for analysis, and concluded that coxsackie virus A6 has become the main pathogen leading to severe cases of hand, foot and mouth disease in China. In addition, The virus associated with severe hand foot mouth disease is evolving, and there is a risk of outbreak. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of severe hand foot mouth disease.

Of the 74 severe cases of HFMD associated with Coxsackie virus A6 involved in the study, 48 cases were male and 26 cases were female; There were 25 children under 1 year old, 26 children between 1 and 5 years old, and 3 children over 5 years old. The research team said that the immune system of severe cases of hand, foot and mouth disease under the age of 5 is immature. If they cannot be diagnosed and treated in time, they may increase susceptibility and lead to serious complications and potentially fatal consequences. Therefore, the development of Coxsackie virus A6 vaccine is crucial to prevent the occurrence of severe hand foot mouth disease in susceptible children.

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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