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Strengthening the Education of Teenagers' Ideals and Beliefs

Source: China Education Daily
2024-05-23 09:56

Original title: Rightly strengthen the education of young people's ideals and beliefs

General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important statements on ideological and political courses have made important arrangements for the comprehensive implementation of the Party's educational policies and the success of ideological and political courses in the new era, and have also pointed out the direction and provided fundamental guidance for strengthening and improving ideological and political work in colleges and universities in the new era. We will continue to deepen the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on ideological and political education, run ideological and political education through the whole process of school education management, improve the mechanism of youth's ideal and belief education, implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, and cultivate socialist builders and successors who develop morally, intellectually, physically, and aesthetically.

Strengthen the Party's overall leadership over ideological and political work, and form a "big ideological and political" work pattern. The overall leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for the ideological and political work in colleges and universities in the new era. The school party organization should earnestly strengthen the overall leadership of ideological and political work, firmly grasp the ideological and political work, focus on solving the fundamental problem of who to train, how to train people, and for whom to train people, adhere to the reform orientation, form a concerted effort from top to bottom, and break the deep-seated bottleneck problem with systematic thinking and comprehensive measures. To build the ideological and political work system, it is mainly to build a theoretical armed system, a discipline teaching system, a daily education system, a management service system, a team building system, an evaluation and supervision system, etc., and to carry out systematic design around these aspects and build an integrated system from all levels. We should improve the curriculum system, solve the problem of mutual cooperation between various courses and ideological and political courses, promote other teachers and ideological and political teachers to complement each other, promote ideological and political work to penetrate the talent training system, and give play to the integrated, embedded, and infiltrated synergy effect of morality and talent cultivation. Teachers, administrators, etc. are the main body of education. Ideological and political work should be carried out throughout the whole process of students' learning and life growth, in and out of class, in and out of school, online and offline and other fields, so as to realize the education of all staff, the whole process and all directions. The main leaders of the school should take the lead in entering the classroom, taking the lead in promoting the construction of ideological and political courses, taking the lead in contacting teachers of ideological and political courses, and forming a "big ideological and political" pattern under the unified leadership of the Party Committee, the joint management of the Party and government, and the participation of all teachers and students.

We should strengthen the construction of the ideological and political teacher team and give full play to their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the key to running a good ideological and political theory course is teachers, and the key is to give play to teachers' enthusiasm, initiative and creativity." The majority of ideological and political teachers should follow the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and be strong in politics, deep in feelings, new in thinking, broad in vision, strict in self-discipline, and upright in personality. We should firmly believe in Marxism, socialism and communism, consciously arm our minds with Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and remain politically clear in the face of major issues. We should have benevolent feelings. We should integrate the love for our family and country, education and students. We should always have students in our hearts, so that the ideological and political course can become a warm one. We should guide students to establish correct ideals and beliefs and learn correct thinking methods. We should be strict with ourselves. We should not only observe teaching discipline, but also political discipline and political rules. We should be consistent in class and offline, online and offline, actively transmit positive energy, consciously set an example for learning to be a person, and make students like us. It is necessary to equip and strengthen the team of full-time teachers of ideological and political courses, and build a team of ideological and political course teachers with sufficient quantity and good quality. We should innovate the working mechanism, strengthen the training and incentive work, fully stimulate the creativity and enthusiasm of ideological and political teachers, especially young teachers, and guide them to focus on teaching and educating people.

Give play to the role of ideological and political courses as the main channel, and run ideological and political courses well. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the ideological and political theory course should adhere to strengthening in the process of improvement and innovation, update the teaching content and enrich the teaching means in a timely manner, constantly improve the classroom teaching situation, prevent formalism and superficiality", and "promote the reform and innovation of the ideological and political theory course, and constantly enhance the ideological, theoretical, affinity and pertinence of the ideological and political course". It is necessary to highlight the political guiding function of the ideological and political course, focus on shaping students' values, educate and guide students to correctly view, dialectically understand, rationally analyze practical problems, identify major right and major wrong, true and false black and white, and promote the truth, good and beauty in the criticism of social hypocrisy, evil and ugliness. The ideological and political classroom should constantly innovate teaching methods, enrich curriculum content, and make students willing to listen, understand, and have a strong sense of identity. We should give play to the role of students as the main body, pay attention to heuristic education, guide students to find problems, analyze problems, think about problems, and let students draw conclusions naturally in constant inspiration. We should promote Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era into textbooks, courseware, and classrooms, guide students to enhance "four self-confidence", foster patriotism, and aspire to be useful talents who contribute to society. We should combine the small ideological and political class with the large social class, and guide students to put their life ambitions into practical action; We should integrate socialist core values into the teaching of ideological and political courses, and guide students in their daily implementation to see action and effectiveness.

Promote the ideological and political curriculum and curriculum to go hand in hand, and enhance the synergistic effect of education. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that all kinds of courses and ideological and political theory courses should go hand in hand to form synergy. On the one hand, it is necessary to open the ideological and political course in a reasonable manner, promote the reform and innovation of the ideological and political course, and make the ideological and political course interesting and meaningful. On the other hand, it is necessary to comprehensively promote the ideological and political construction of the curriculum, and organically integrate the educational elements contained in various courses, such as political identity, family and country feelings, cultural literacy, constitutional awareness of the rule of law, moral cultivation, and so on, with classroom teaching, so that students can truly feel and experience through teachers' teaching by example. We should actively build a ideological and political education system with ideological and political core courses as the main position, supplemented by curriculum ideological and political education, and integrating various elements. We should actively build an exchange platform for ideological and political work, guide ideological and political course teachers, professional course teachers and student counselors to use the platform to exchange experience, integrate teaching resources, innovate teaching methods, design teaching chapters, and improve their ability to do ideological and political work on the basis of grasping students' cognitive laws, psychological characteristics, and development needs.

Conform to the situation and grasp the main position of network education. At present, the Internet has become the amplifier of public opinion and the main front of ideological contest, which has an important impact on people's values. The behavior habit and thinking mode of contemporary college students are deeply influenced by the Internet, and the network ideological and political work has become an important part of the ideological and political work of students. We should be good at relying on the new media platform popular with students to create a high-quality platform for ideological and political education, and produce popular online cultural works full of positive energy. Make full use of new Internet media technology, combine students' interests and acceptance habits, vigorously spread the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, vigorously promote socialist core values, and build an online spiritual garden of loving the party, patriotism and socialism. Pay attention to the growth needs of students, build an exclusive online learning space, provide personalized and differentiated online ideological and political education services for students, and guide them to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Explore and establish Internet experience scenes and interaction scenes for students' interactive participation, mobilize students' enthusiasm for participation, promote mutual communication and cooperation among students through online communication, discussion and interaction, form an online community, enhance their collective identity and sense of responsibility, and form a two-way interactive network education pattern.

Kong Suhua, The author is Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shandong Vocational College of Special Education)

Editor in charge: queen

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