Zhonggong Entertainment

Yucheng, Henan: Zero Bride Gifts Brings New Civilization

Source: Farmers Daily
2024-05-23 09:53

Original title:

Yucheng, Henan: Zero Bride Gifts Brings New Civilization

"Fulin takes his work very seriously, and his family is also very good. When he gets married, he confiscates a cent of the bride price, which sets a good example for everyone and makes everyone understand that you can live a happy life without accepting the bride price." On May 20, Li Yong, a staff member of the Public Security Bureau of Yucheng County, Henan Province, praised his colleague Yang Fulin for not receiving the bride price at home when he got married.

In the morning of the same day, the second zero bride price collective wedding ceremony in Yucheng County was held as scheduled at the Mulan Culture Square in Yucheng County. As the practitioners of zero bride price wedding, nine couples made a solemn commitment to spend their lives together, accompanied by the romantic wedding march and witnessed by the common blessing of their relatives and guests on the scene.

"My wife and I are working in different positions. I am really happy to be married on this special occasion today," said Han Jinming, a teacher from Yucheng No. 1 Senior High School who attended the wedding. In the sound of joyful music, nine couples in happy clothes, including Han Jinming, held hands, walked on the red carpet and the wedding hall step by step, experiencing the romance of the new Chinese wedding and receiving everyone's blessings.

At the zero bride price group wedding scene, a new man shared his feelings: "I think a happy marriage cannot be measured by money and materials alone. Now that we have a good job, we can work hard with our lovers to create a happy life with our own work ability and hard work." His sincere words, Let the scene ring a burst of warm applause.

It is reported that the 9 couples who participated in the second zero bride price collective wedding in Yucheng County are young people from different industries and different jobs in the county. Although they have different identities and different family backgrounds, they have taken the practical action of zero bride price together to become a practitioner of promoting the new style of socialist civilization and a participant in the new style of marriage civilization.

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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