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The coordinated development of party building and ideological and political education under the new media environment

Source: Xinhua Daily
2024-05-23 09:51

Original title: coordinated development of party building and ideological and political education in the new media environment

At present, the new media platform, with its characteristics of immediacy, interactivity and wide coverage, has changed people's lifestyle and access to information, providing an efficient channel for the rapid dissemination of the Party's theoretical knowledge and national policies and guidelines. Colleges and universities can use the new media platform to innovate the form of ideological and political education, so that theoretical learning can be closer to the reality of students' lives, and students' participation and enthusiasm can be improved.

New media platform information is massive and fragmented. How to screen high-quality party building resources and ideological and political education resources in the vast ocean of information, let students adhere to the mainstream values under the impact of multiculturalism, guide students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, so as to achieve the coordinated development of party building and ideological and political education in colleges and universities, has become an important issue to be explored in the current field of higher education.

In the new media era, the coordinated development of party building and ideological and political education in colleges and universities needs to strengthen the innovation of teaching content and the integration of educational resources. In today's diversified and information-based era, colleges and universities undertake the important mission of cultivating students with both ability and integrity. In the context of the new media era, in order to meet the development needs of the information society, strengthening the innovation of teaching content and the integration of educational resources to adapt to the learning habits and thinking patterns of college students in the new era has become the key path to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education.

The innovation of teaching content is the core to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of party building and ideological and political education. Colleges and universities need to adapt to the information receiving habits of college students in the new media environment, actively embrace new media technology, rely on the ideological and political teaching team with innovative awareness and professional ability, and develop new media party building and ideological and political education resources that contain profound theoretical connotation, and closely link with students' actual life and can resonate. At the same time, by breaking the traditional teaching model, we will build an education model of "Internet+Party building, ideological and political" to achieve the integration of educational resources. To achieve this goal, colleges and universities must adopt an innovative and open attitude, fully integrate and optimize various high-quality resources inside and outside the school. On the one hand, colleges and universities need to integrate high-quality resources inside and outside the school, such as introducing social forces to participate in ideological and political education by carrying out activities such as "model of the times" on campus, so as to form a rich and diverse educational resource pool. On the other hand, colleges and universities can build an online and offline education platform, and realize the deep integration of theoretical teaching and social practice, online and offline by building a "three ideological and political classes" coordination mechanism, such as ideological and political small classes, social big classes, and online cloud classes. Cultivate a group of compound talents with profound theoretical basis and practical ability for the society to meet the needs of social development.

In the new media era, the coordinated development of party building and ideological and political education in colleges and universities requires the training of professional new media talents to ensure the quality of party building and ideological and political education. In the new media era, how to effectively use the new media platform is not only a test of the courage of colleges and universities to innovate the traditional education model, but also an urgent need for a highly specialized new media talent team to ensure the quality and effectiveness of party building and ideological and political work, and inject new vitality into talent training in the new era. To achieve this goal, the key is to establish a sound talent training mechanism.

Colleges and universities can regularly carry out special training programs, invite experts and scholars of ideological and political education, outstanding party members to carry out systematic teaching of new media technology and party affairs knowledge, and combine new media technology to carry out ideological and political teaching case analysis, simulation drills and other forms, so as to improve the teaching skills and abilities of members of the ideological and political teaching team of the school. At the same time, encourage and support team members to participate in domestic and foreign new media technology forums, party building innovation seminars and other activities to broaden their horizons and promote exchanges and mutual learning. In addition, colleges and universities need to focus on the long-term, carefully layout, and create an elite team with interdisciplinary and compound professional knowledge reserves. Cultivate a group of high-quality teaching teams that can accurately grasp the Party's theoretical principles and policies, and grasp the latest development of new media technology. With their keen political awareness, profound professional quality and innovative way of thinking, these teaching elites can accurately convey the voice of the Party, effectively guide the thinking trend of young students, and make them firm in their ideals and beliefs in the complex network environment.

In the new media era, the coordinated development of party building and ideological and political education in colleges and universities needs to build a diversified ideological and political education platform and expand the communication channels of party building work. Under the tide of the new media era, the party building and ideological and political education in colleges and universities are also facing the urgent task of transformation and upgrading. In order to realize the coordinated development of the two, it is particularly important to build a diversified ideological and political education platform and expand the communication channels of party building. In this process, colleges and universities must keep pace with the times, make full use of new tools such as network platforms and social media, and build a diversified, integrated, efficient and interactive ideological and political education ecosystem. At present, new media platforms, such as microblog, WeChat, and dithering short videos, which are popular among young students, have become the main channels for information dissemination. Colleges and universities should actively occupy these new positions, widely disseminate the Party's theories and policies through them, build a comprehensive and multi-level ideological and political education network, and realize the transformation from "I say you listen" to "interaction and resonance".

At the same time, the interactivity and attraction of new media provide new opportunities for party building and ideological and political education. Colleges and universities can break the traditional one-way indoctrination model, realize two-way interaction with students, create a new model of participatory party building and ideological and political education, make the content of party building education more vivid and interesting, and easier to be accepted and internalized by students. In addition, colleges and universities can use the real-time feedback function of the new media platform to establish online suggestion boxes, collect students' suggestions and opinions on party building and ideological and political work in a timely manner, encourage students to discuss hot issues, enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of work, and guide students to form correct world outlook, outlook on life and values in the exchange and collision of ideas.

In the new media era, the coordinated development of party building and ideological and political education in colleges and universities needs to establish and improve the network ideology working mechanism. In the new media era, as an important position to train socialist builders and successors, colleges and universities face unprecedented challenges and opportunities in their party building and ideological and political education. Under the background of massive information and diverse views, establishing and improving the network ideology working mechanism is not only an urgent need to consolidate the ideological position in colleges and universities, but also a key link to promote the innovative development of party building and ideological and political education.

While embracing new media technology and transforming it into a driving force for promoting party building and ideological and political education, the university also needs to strengthen the in-depth supervision of various campus new media platforms, which requires the relevant departments of colleges and universities to strengthen the in-depth supervision of various campus media platforms and build a set of efficient and sensitive quick response mechanism. In the face of various voices and public opinions emerging in cyberspace, we can identify, analyze and effectively guide them at the first time to ensure the clarity and health of the network environment and lay a solid foundation for the party's theoretical dissemination and value guidance. At the same time, maintaining the security of network ideology is also an unavoidable responsibility of colleges and universities. Colleges and universities must establish a set of perfect dynamic evolution mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the field of network ideology to predict and intervene the possible risk points. Through regular network literacy training, online ideological and political courses and other forms, teachers and students' ability to distinguish right from wrong is improved, and a solid ideological defense line is built together to ensure that party building and ideological and political education always maintain the correct political direction and distinct value orientation.

With the continuous progress of new media technology, the party building and ideological and political education work in colleges and universities has ushered in a historic transformation opportunity. Colleges and universities must deepen their understanding of new media technology, actively embrace changes and innovate management models. This series of changes and explorations are not only the urgent requirements of the development of the times for higher education, but also an indispensable part of the modernization process of higher education in China. It requires colleges and universities not only to ride the wind and waves and stand up bravely in the tide of new media, but also to maintain the stability and temperature of education, so as to ensure that in the rapidly changing world, they can train socialist builders and successors who can shoulder the responsibility of national rejuvenation and promote all-round social progress. This is an arduous and glorious mission entrusted to colleges and universities by the times, a double test of our educational wisdom and sense of responsibility, and an inevitable choice for colleges and universities to face the future and constantly promote educational modernization.

Lin Qiong, Author's unit: School of Economics and Management, Southeast University)

Editor in charge: queen

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