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Jinan: Support the development of model workers' innovative studios and promote the emergence of more skilled talents

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 09:41

On May 20, Lv Canhua, secretary of the Party Leadership Group, executive vice chairman and first level inspector of Shandong Jinan Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to Huaneng Jinan Huangtai Power Generation Co., Ltd., and carried out the unveiling of Luan Jun Innovation Studio, "Shandong Model Worker and Craftsman Talent Innovation Studio" for the company.

During the activity, the delegation led by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions visited Luan Jun's Innovation Studio and listened to the vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions( part-time job )Luan Jun, deputy director of the turbine maintenance team of Huaneng Jinan Huangtai Power Generation Co., Ltd., gave a detailed introduction on the technical innovation, achievement application, talent training and other aspects of the studio. Subsequently, we had a discussion with the head of the trade union of the enterprise and the backbone of the innovation studio.


On May 20, a delegation led by the Jinan Federation of Trade Unions came to the grass-roots enterprises and carried out the unveiling of the innovation studio. The picture shows the site of the unveiling ceremony. Courtesy of Jinan Federation of Trade Unions

During the forum, the Jinan Federation of Trade Unions and the delegation fully affirmed Luan Jun Innovation Studio's achievements in innovation and efficiency creation based on enterprise development. It also emphasizes that the role of model workers' innovation studio in "helping and guiding" should be brought into play, so as to cultivate more highly skilled talents with practical ability for enterprises, and form a good atmosphere for teaching, helping, guiding and mutual assistance; It is necessary to combine the construction of craftsmanship college, give play to the advantages of the enterprise industry in craftsmanship training, talent training, etc., give play to the demonstration and leading role of innovative studios and leaders, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to become skilled talents and model workers.

It is reported that in recent years, Huaneng Jinan Huangtai Power Generation Co., Ltd. has implemented the talent foundation building project, closely focusing on the enterprise's safe production, major projects, major projects, new technologies, new equipment, and new process technology innovation practice, and has made efforts to tackle key problems in key technologies, achievements transformation, team building, key and difficult problems, and gradually built the studio into a skill upgrading A platform for technical exchange, innovative practice and talent cultivation. Up to now, Luan Jun Innovation Studio has 25 team members, and has repeatedly achieved good results in various national, provincial and municipal skill competitions, with 20 innovation achievements, 120 international patents, invention patents, and utility model patents, creating benefits of 4.3 billion yuan. (Dukai Gehongpu)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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