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Guangxi guests actively cultivate characteristic industries

"Small Peppers" Boost Women's "Big Employment"

Source: China Women's Daily
2024-05-23 09:35

Original Title: Guangxi Guests Actively Cultivate Characteristic Advantage Industries (Introduction)

"Small Peppers" Boost Women's "Big Employment" (Theme)

Full media reporter peak of China Women's Daily Wei Liju Wu Hailan

After several consecutive days of rain, the land in central Guangxi finally ushered in sunny days. Walking into Long'an Village, Liangjiang Town, Xingbin District, Laibin City, Guangxi Province, you can see the vast fields are green beyond the horizon. There are lots of peppers planted here. The plants that are not tall are covered with slender green peppers, which are growing well.

In the chilli field, the women wearing colorful sunscreen hats and waterproof boots are picking with their hands quickly, and they just picked a handful of them.

Lan Meiliu, a woman in Xiaoliang Village, is concentrating on picking chilies. This is her fourth year to pick chilies in Long'an Village. Every day at dawn, she went out and went to the planting base with her sister in the same village. At six o'clock, she started picking on time. "My family doesn't have much farmland, so I come here to pick chilies. The salary is 15 yuan per hour, five hours for half a day, and two or three thousand yuan a month. It can always be done in June." Lan Meiliu said with a smile, holding a handful of chilies.

Long'an Village has been planting pepper for more than 20 years. In recent years, Liangjiang Town, relying on its agricultural advantages, has guided farmers to adopt the model of "Party building leading+cooperatives+bases+farmers", formed a "one-stop production and marketing" order agriculture pattern, helped farmers increase income, and promoted the development and growth of the pepper industry. Among them, from planting to picking, women become the main force, and pepper planting has become a good industry for local women's entrepreneurship and employment.

It is understood that Liangjiang Town will plant 25000 mu of pepper this year, with an estimated output of about 55 million jin, which will lead to more than 5000 women's employment. "Every year, the town carries out skills training in pepper planting and pest control, and women are the most active, accounting for the majority. Next, we will fully assist the town to improve the quality of traditional industries, strive to cultivate more women 'new farmers', explore the introduction of e-commerce to help farmers and benefit farmers, so that peppers can fly out of Guangxi and across the country by taking advantage of the Internet." Introduction of relevant person in charge of Liangjiang Women's Federation.

In recent years, Laibin City has deeply implemented the action of revitalizing women in rural areas. By cultivating and creating a demonstration base of women's science and technology, it has cooperated with agriculture, science and technology departments to carry out training and services in rural practical technology, e-commerce live broadcast, marketing management, deepen the cooperation between the eastern and western parts of Guangdong and Guangxi, hold training courses for "leading geese" in rural revitalization, and organize women volunteers to carry out agricultural assistance services, Gather women's strength for rural revitalization.

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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