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Ideological and political courses should shoulder the historical responsibility of cultivating new people of the times

Source: China Education Daily
2024-05-23 09:07

Original title: Ideological and Political Courses Should Shoulder the Historical Task of Cultivating New People of the Times   

The ideological and political course is a key course to implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, is the main channel for casting souls and educating people, and undertakes the important mission of cultivating new people of the times, spreading and practicing the core socialist values. Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important instruction on the construction of ideological and political courses in the school, emphasizing that we should constantly open up a new situation of ideological and political education in the new era, and strive to cultivate more new people in the era who can reassure the Party, make patriotic contributions, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation. This has provided a fundamental basis for the high-quality development of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era and pointed out the way forward. Facing the new situation and new tasks, the construction of ideological and political courses in schools needs to answer the questions of why to cultivate new people of the times, what kind of new people of the times to cultivate, and how to cultivate new people of the times.

Cultivating New People of the Times is the Focus of the Construction of Ideological and Political Courses in Schools in the New Era

Making good use of the ideological and political course of the school, which is the main channel for soul building and education, to cultivate more new people of the era who can reassure the Party, make patriotic contributions, and shoulder the important task of national rejuvenation, is related to the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, and is related to the overall development of the cause of the Party and the country.

The fundamental task of cultivating the new personnel of the times is to implement the basic task of cultivating morality and cultivating people. Morality is the fundamental task of education and the foundation of a school. Ideological and political education is fundamentally the work of being a man, which must focus on, care for and serve students. Teenagers are in the "jointing and booting stage" of life, and need careful guidance and cultivation. Schools are the main places for young students to engage in educational activities. School education is an important task to guide young people to build a solid spiritual foundation with firm ideals and beliefs.

Cultivating new personnel for the times is related to the overall development of the Party and national cause. The new generation of the times is a generation that goes hand in hand and advances together with the new era. Based on the overall development of the cause of the Party and the country, we urgently need to cultivate a large number of useful talents who support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and our socialist system and are determined to fight for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics for life. The ideological and political course of the school is connected with the goal and content of cultivating new people of the times. Taking the cultivation of new people in the era as the focus of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era is conducive to strengthening the overall grasp of the world, national conditions, social conditions and people's conditions, and promoting the ideological and political courses in schools to show new atmosphere and show new achievements in the era of "two overall situations".

Understand the connotation of the new generation from the dimensions of fundamental requirements, practical character and action orientation

The new generation is the main force leading the future social development and an important force to complete the new mission and task of the Party. For the goal of "cultivating new people of the times" in the construction of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era, we need to grasp its rich connotation from three dimensions: fundamental requirements, practical character and action orientation.

It is a fundamental requirement to reassure the Party, highlighting the spirit of "taking the Party's will as the will". Only by fully implementing the Party's line, principles and policies and adhering to the Party's flag, direction and will, can we meet the goal of cultivating new people of the times. First, we must adhere to the original intention, remember the mission, be fearless in the face of wind and waves, and stand firm in the face of various temptations. Second, we must adhere to the principle of pragmatism, honesty and self-discipline, cultivate our ability through hard work, and deliver high-quality learning and work papers to the Party. At the same time, we should conscientiously abide by the Party's discipline, adhere to the distinctive political nature of the Chinese Communists: honesty and integrity. We should be diligent in dusting off "ideological dust", thinking about "greed", often breaking down "thieves in the heart", not being confused by interests, and maintain the fine style of strict self-discipline. Third, we should be loyal to the Party and live up to the people. We should step forward when the Party and the people need it most, so that we can see it in ordinary times, stand up when it is critical, and rise to the occasion of crisis.

Patriotic dedication is the character of practice and the benchmark of "taking national interests as the core". Patriotism is the emotional support and ideological basis of the spirit of dedication, and the spirit of dedication is the concrete manifestation and practical sublimation of patriotism. The two are an organic unity that complements each other. First, we should foster family and country feelings and remember social responsibilities. We should integrate personal dreams and family dreams into the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and actively fulfill social responsibilities in undertakings consistent with social needs and the interests of the people. Second, we should focus on the center and actively serve the overall situation. We should correctly handle the relationship between national interests, collective interests and individual interests, and show a larger pattern and a larger mind with a higher political position and a longer-term strategic vision. Third, we must adhere to the principle of loving our posts and being conscientious in performing our duties. Patriotic dedication is not a slogan like proposition of "being tall", but a practical action starting from oneself, starting from the side, and starting from the basic requirement of "loving the job". No matter what they do or where they are, new people of the times should stick to their posts with a high sense of responsibility, do their own work well, and transform patriotism into work passion for performing their duties.

Taking on the important task of national rejuvenation is the direction of action, aiming at the goal of "taking national rejuvenation as one's own responsibility". General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the baton of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation has historically fallen on our generation." To train students to be new people in the era who shoulder the important task of national rejuvenation, we must cultivate their ambition, backbone and confidence. First, we should strengthen "ambition", help students cultivate noble character, and let socialist core values internalize into spiritual pursuit and externalize into conscious action. Second, it is necessary to strengthen "backbone", encourage students to participate in hot practice, and forge the spirit of struggle in practical experience. Third, we should strengthen the "confidence", guide students to enhance their skills, constantly improve their entrepreneurial skills, and strive to become a "multi skilled" compound talent.

New Era School Ideological and Political Courses Should Have New Meteorology and New Achievements

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the ideological and political theory course should be strengthened through improvement and improved through innovation". The new era calls for new actions, and the new journey needs new responsibilities. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that on the new journey of the new era, the construction of ideological and political courses is faced with new situations and tasks, and must have new weather and new achievements.

We should take the Party's innovative theory as the guide. Every time the Party's theoretical innovation is further advanced, its theoretical armed forces should be further advanced. The new people of the times cultivated by schools should be armed with the innovative theory of the Party. The construction of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era should adhere to the simultaneous advancement with the Party's innovative theoretical arm, and promote the Party's innovative theory learning to go in practice, in depth, and in mind by improving the curriculum and teaching material system with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the core content. Teachers of ideological and political courses should adhere to cultivating people with the innovative theory of the Party, and guide students to read and remember the innovative theory of the Party.

We should take the great practice of the new era as a foothold. Time is the mother of thought, and practice is the source of theory. After a hundred years of struggle, the Communist Party of China and the people have written the most magnificent epic in the thousands of years of history of the Chinese nation. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country have provided rich social resources for the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in the new era. The construction of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era should be good at returning to the "social matrix", digging deep into the "rich mine" of social educational resources, giving full play to the educational incentive role of great achievements in the new era, and enriching the teaching content of ideological and political courses. We should combine the small ideological and political class with the large social class, guide students to read the "book with words" in theoretical learning and the "book without words" in hot practice, expand the new pattern of comprehensive education with the "big ideological and political class", and realize the extension of the classroom to the social scene, and the organic combination of teaching materials and social reality.

We should follow the laws of education. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should follow the law of ideological and political work, the law of teaching and educating people, the law of student growth, and constantly improve our ability and level of work. To understand the law of education, we need to base ourselves on the law of students' growth, be close to students, life, and reality, deeply and accurately understand the differences in the characteristics of youth groups in different school environments, and carry out differentiated education for different groups. At the same time, we should further promote the integration of ideological and political education in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and design curriculum goals in accordance with the idea of vertical connection, horizontal connection, gradual progress and spiral rise, so that students love to listen and learn, understand and learn.

We should take team building as the guarantee. Teachers are the key to running ideological and political courses well. Ideological and political teachers are responsible for spreading knowledge, ideas, truth, shaping soul, life and new people. We should give full play to the role of the ideological and political course teachers as the "main force" in the construction of ideological and political courses, and strengthen the team construction from the aspects of guarantee and incentive, knowledge reserves and ability improvement. First, improve the status and treatment guarantee mechanism of teachers, so that ideological and political teachers are "willing to teach". We should improve the evaluation system that emphasizes teaching priority, study and formulate preferential treatment policies for teachers, promote the improvement of the standard of teaching age allowance, and enhance the sense of gain, happiness and satisfaction of ideological and political teachers. The second is to strengthen teachers' professional theoretical reserve, so that ideological and political teachers can "teach". The essence of the ideological and political course is to reason, and to reason deeply, thoroughly, and lively, we need a strong theoretical foundation. Teachers should adhere to the principle of "educators receive education first", actively learn and update knowledge reserves. The third is to take the initiative to benchmark the "six requirements", so that ideological and political teachers are "good at teaching". Teachers of ideological and political courses should not only be proficient in professional knowledge, but also be an example of the unity of "Confucian classics" and "human teachers", implement the tasks of cultivating new people in the era with high standards, and strive to become credible, respectable, reliable, happy, courageous, and good teachers.

We should rely on strong joint forces. Ideological and political education in the new era is a systematic project that concerns the vital interests of millions of families and the future and destiny of the country, and requires the joint participation of multiple subjects. The organic connection and coordination of school education, family education and social education is an urgent requirement for the reform and development of ideological and political education in the new era. The school gives full play to the leading role of collaborative education, parents earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of family education, and the society effectively supports and serves comprehensive education. All departments around the country should shoulder their political responsibilities, pay close attention to the implementation of work, effectively play the "combined fist" of ideological and political course construction, and write a new chapter of ideological and political education in the new era.

Dai Yuqi and Han Yixin, The author's unit is the College of Marxism of Zhejiang University, Dai Yuqi is the vice president, professor and doctoral supervisor of the college)

Editor in charge: queen

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