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Come to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum to experience the "Wu Style" in depth

Source: Beijing Daily
2024-05-23 09:32

Original title: Come to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum to experience "Wu Style" in depth

Beijing Daily (Reporter Wang Guangyan) Appreciate the bench dragon in Pujiang, learn from Pujiang paper-cut, taste tea in the Song Dynasty... On May 21, the China National Arts and Crafts Museum · China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum held a series of activities themed "International Tea Day". This series of activities includes the intangible cultural heritage exhibition of "Good Mountain and Water Produce Good Tea - Tea Culture and Tea Life Exhibition", "Meet Intangible Cultural Heritage: Wuyuan Heritage · Jinhua Beauty" and the supporting one-stop experience activities of Jinhua Intangible Cultural Heritage, focusing on the beauty of intangible cultural heritage of "Wuyuan Heritage".

In the intangible cultural heritage performance of the day, the national intangible cultural heritage representative projects such as Wu Opera, Eighteen Butterflies, Jinhua Daoqing, and provincial intangible cultural heritage representative projects such as Wugui Duan Tea, Tiao Kuixing presented a flowing visual feast for everyone in the way of performance, context, interaction, etc.

Entering the one-stop experience area of Jinhua Intangible Cultural Heritage, Dongyang Wood Carving, Pujiang Paper Cutting, Dongyang Bamboo Weaving, Tin Carving, Wu Embroidery and other exhibition stands dazzle people. Wu Shanzeng, a 93 year old national representative inheritor of paper-cut (Pujiang paper-cut), picked up scissors on the spot and taught everyone how to use three knives to cut a word of "happiness". Wuzhou held the exhibition stand of rock tea ordering skills in Song Dynasty, which attracted many visitors to taste.

In the exhibition hall on the fifth floor, "Good Tea from Good Mountain and Water - Tea Culture and Tea Life Exhibition" tells about tea culture from multiple perspectives through six units: "Ancient Tea Source", "Tea Gathering", "Instruments Carrying Path", "Ritual and Music Tea Banquet", "Modern Tea Life" and "Colorful Tea Products".

In 2022, "Chinese traditional tea making techniques and related customs" was included in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The purpose of this activity is to let the public feel the intangible cultural heritage tea culture and tea life rooted in Chinese excellent traditional culture and fresh modern flavor through the display and dissemination of several representative intangible cultural heritage projects deeply integrated with tea.

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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