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The property management skill competition is more professional and considerate to serve the staff and the masses

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 08:51

On May 22, the first "Xinsheng Cup" property skills contest in Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province was held in Licheng Cultural Expo Center Square, with the theme of "Skills Competition Exhibition Style to Promote Learning by Competition".

It is reported that this competition was hosted by Licheng District Federation of Trade Unions and Licheng District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, undertaken by Shandong Licheng Urban Development Group Co., Ltd. and Jinan Xinsheng Property Management Co., Ltd., and guided by Licheng District Property Association. A total of eight property teams participated in the competition, which was divided into four groups: customer service skills competition, engineering skills competition, order skills competition and cleaning skills competition, According to different entries, set up theoretical knowledge, skill operation, image display and other assessment contents.


On May 22, the first "Xinsheng Cup" property skills contest was held in Licheng District. The picture shows the competition scene. Courtesy of Licheng District Federation of Trade Unions

At the competition site, all the contestants were full of spirit, high in fighting spirit and struggling hard, which not only showed the level of competition, but also showed the style of competition, showing excellent professional quality and good spiritual style.

After three consecutive hours of intense competition, the competition ended successfully. A total of three teams and 45 contestants won team awards and individual awards respectively.

Zhu Yunnong, executive vice chairman of Licheng District Federation of Trade Unions, said that the property skills contest was not only a contest between individuals, but also a strengthening and transmission of the service spirit, and it was also a review and improvement of property standardized services and refined management. In the future, the District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to mobilize trade union organizations at all levels in the whole district, drive multi-level, multi industry and multi type of work competitions to flourish, and contribute wisdom and strength to building a strong socialist modernization area in the provincial capital. (Kou Wenyu and Ge Hongpu)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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