Zhonggong Entertainment

What to do when the temperature is lost? Remembering these critical moments can save your life

Source: National emergency broadcasting
2024-05-23 08:59

Original title: What to do with temperature loss? Remembering these critical moments can save your life →


A girl in Wugong Mountain, Pingxiang, Jiangxi

The news of the death during the hiking attracted attention

According to the response of the police staff in the jurisdiction

The specific cause of death is still under investigation

Preliminary judgment: it is caused by temperature loss

The relevant person in charge of Wugong Mountain Scenic Area said

The victim was born in 1997

No outdoor experience

Take the outdoor crossing route developed by the right and wrong scenic spots

Outside the jurisdiction of the scenic spot

Nowadays, people are enthusiastic about outdoor sports

But many people lack the necessary safety knowledge

Blind "extreme challenge"

Will cause irreversible consequences

This outdoor life preservation guide

Please check carefully ↓

Dangerous loss of temperature

Why is losing temperature fatal?

The human body has a temperature regulation system that can maintain the core temperature of the body within a narrow range suitable for survival.

However, when the heat production rate of the human body is lower than the heat dissipation rate, and the heat in the body is less and less, which is not enough to maintain the normal body temperature, the phenomenon of "temperature loss" will occur.

If the body temperature is too low, the biological enzymes in the body will fail, which will make the chemical reaction of the human body difficult to carry out, thus inhibiting the human body's function, and in serious cases, it will lead to death.

What are the symptoms of temperature loss

Slight temperature loss: When the patient's temperature drops to 33-35 ℃, severe chills, cold limbs, pale face, severe fatigue, unclear language, muscle unconsciousness, dullness, memory loss, mood change or loss of reason, pulse slowing, hallucinations, etc. will occur.

Severe hypothermia: the patient's temperature drops below 32 ℃, and loses consciousness, entering a state similar to hibernation. The specific manifestations are no longer muscle spasm, slow pulse and respiratory rate, significant decline in blood circulation on the body surface, loss of consciousness, etc.

Climbing and wading in summer

Also be alert to temperature loss

The human body itself is a pyrogen, carrying out heat transfer with the outside world at any time, anywhere, among which temperature, humidity and wind are the most common factors leading to temperature loss.

Even in summer, there will be a temperature difference between morning and night, and the outdoor weather is changeable. Mountain climbing, hiking and other sports will cause sweat, and the river water will wet clothes when wading and drifting. If the wind blows again at this time, Water evaporation will cause rapid loss of heat, resulting in temperature loss, not to mention severe extreme weather.

How to deal with temperature loss?

In the state of losing temperature, neither exercise nor drinking hot water can raise the temperature of the core area.

Correct practice

one Slight temperature loss:

When you feel cold and begin to shiver, you should immediately stop exercising, maintain your physical strength, and take shelter from the wind to reduce the wind chill effect.

If the clothes are wet, take them off immediately, put on dry clothes, and heat the neck, armpit, groin, soles of feet and other parts with hot water bags, heating stickers and other items.

After slowly warming up, some liquid and normal temperature high calorie food can be added , such as Concentrated syrup, chocolate And so on, so that those who lose temperature can obtain the energy needed for heat production.

two Severe temperature loss:

Do not warm yourself or drink hot water, or the rapid rewarming will cause hypotension and shock. Wrap your body with dry and warm clothes, sleeping bags, etc., and send it to the doctor immediately.

Safety Guide for Hiking and Mountaineering

Don't neglect the first three preparations

Material preparation: Carry equipment and materials, including clothing, food, drinks, emergency medicine, common climbing tools, mobile phones and mobile power.

Route evaluation: Do not venture to undeveloped and unopened forest farms, protected areas, canyons, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other dangerous areas without authorization, and make a correct route assessment in advance.

three Accompanied by: Travel with professional teams with outdoor experience as far as possible, so as to keep away from risks as far as possible.

How to save yourself when you get lost or trapped

Send out a distress signal : In case of danger, keep calm, reduce physical consumption, call the police or send a distress signal in time, wait for rescue in situ, and never try other paths blindly with luck.

Master SOS and other international distress signals ↓

Actively looking for water sources : There is likely to be water at the bottom of the valley, under green vegetation, and where herbivore footprints are frequent. If plastic bags are put on the young leaves of trees, the transpiration of plants will also produce condensate in the plastic bags.

Build temporary shelters : Temporary shelters can be built according to local conditions or by using broken branches, trunks, stones, etc. to cope with bad weather.

Prompt you

Outdoor sports are risky

Limit challenge should be controllable

Be prepared and participate carefully

Safety first in company

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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