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Fuzhou model workers have a green channel to collect medical fees

Source: Fuzhou Daily
2024-05-23 09:27

Original title: There is a green channel for model workers to collect medical fees (theme)

Add "model workers first" window (subtitle) in public hospitals of second class and above in the city

Fuzhou Daily (Reporter Li Bailei) On the morning of the 22nd, when the reporter arrived at the Daoyuan District of the First General Hospital of the city, he found a new notice of "model workers first" at the hospital guidance desk and at the charging and drug taking windows. It is reported that at present, the words "model workers first" have been added to the priority windows of charging and taking medicine in the city's secondary and above public hospitals, which is a practical matter of people's livelihood that has been completed by taking the suggestions of the deputies to the Municipal People's Congress.

The words "model workers first" on the Dadaoyuan guiding desk of the First General Hospital of Chengdu are very conspicuous. Photographed by Li Bailei, a reporter of Fuzhou Daily

At the Municipal People's Congress at the beginning of the year, Chen Nenghua, Bian Weizhong, He Shenqiang and other deputies to the Municipal People's Congress put forward the Proposal on Opening a Green Channel for Model Workers to See Doctors. The representative of Chen Nenghua told the reporter that the atmosphere of caring for and respecting model workers in the whole society is becoming stronger and stronger. However, as the vice president and secretary-general of Lianjiang County Model Workers Association, he also learned from his research that some model workers, especially the elderly model workers, have difficulties in seeing doctors. For this reason, he and other representatives proposed to open a green channel for model workers to see doctors in the city's medical system, so that model workers can enjoy priority services such as registration, charging, inspection, medicine taking, diagnosis and treatment, hospitalization, etc., further create a good atmosphere for model workers to learn, respect, care for, and strive to be model workers, and put the care of the Party and the government into the hearts of model workers.

Responding to the suggestions of the deputies to the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the Municipal Model Worker Office took active action to establish files and pair support for elderly model workers, and sent volunteers to help elderly and disabled model workers in their free physical examination.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Health Commission said that the Municipal First General Hospital, the Municipal Second General Hospital and the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as the designated hospitals for physical examination of model workers, have formulated sound processes and measures from pre examination, during examination to post examination to provide VIP services for model workers. In terms of medical treatment for elderly model workers, the Municipal Health Commission also formulated and issued the "Fuzhou Health System to Provide Priority Diagnosis and Treatment Services for Older Model Workers", which provides 10 convenient medical treatment measures for elderly model workers over 90 years old, such as multi-channel appointment and registration, special guidance, information-based medical treatment, family beds, and door-to-door services in municipal and county public hospitals and grass-roots medical and health institutions, Ensure that model workers enjoy high-quality medical services.

The reporter also learned that, following the representative's suggestion, the Municipal Health Commission decided to add the words "model workers first" to the priority windows for charging and taking medicine in the city's secondary and above public hospitals, and model workers can enjoy convenient services such as priority appointment registration, priority payment and priority taking medicine in hospitals with "model workers first" windows. At present, the hospitals that have opened the "Model Worker Priority" window include the First General Hospital, the Second General Hospital, the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou Pulmonary Hospital, Jin'an District Hospital, Lianjiang County General Hospital, Lianjiang County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Luoyuan County Hospital, Luoyuan County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Minqing County Hospital, Mawei District Hospital, etc. Some hospitals also express the "Model Worker Priority" at the inspection window.

"At present, our city is carrying out theme activities such as' action plan for overall improvement of medical quality ',' action plan for improvement of nursing service ',' improving medical experience and enhancing patient experience '. Through improving and improving a variety of services, we should constantly improve patients' medical experience and enhance patients' medical experience, which should also allow model workers to have a better medical experience," said the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Health Commission.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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