Zhonggong Entertainment

Officially reported that the barbecue shop spray painted skewers and bamboo sticks: the businesses involved have been closed for rectification

Source: China News Network
2024-05-23 08:32

Original title:

Officially reported that the barbecue shop spray painted skewers and bamboo sticks: the businesses involved have been closed for rectification

In response to the netizens' report that "it is suspected that the staff of a barbecue shop in Guiyang painted the skewers and bamboo sticks", the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Yunyan District, Guiyang City issued a notice on May 22 that the barbecue shop involved in the matter sprayed white "self painting" on the end of the bamboo sticks in order to distinguish between the meat skewers sold normally and those presented as gifts. This act is suspected of violating the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementation regulations. At present, the Market Supervision Administration of Yunyan District has filed a case for investigation. During the inspection, the food and "self painting" products involved in the case were seized on the spot, and the relevant kebabs were not baked and did not enter the market. At the same time, the businesses involved have stopped business for rectification.

Photo source: WeChat official account of Market Supervision Administration of Yunyan District

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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