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Women's federations at all levels in Shanxi continue to promote the activities of loving mothers' twinning

Two way "love" to "heart"

Source: China Women's Daily
2024-05-23 08:27

Original title: Shanxi Women's Federations at All Levels Continuously Promote Matchmaking and Caring Activities for Caring Mothers (Quote)

Two way "love" to "heart" accompanying care (theme)

Jiang Junqi, full media reporter of China Women's Daily

On the playground, in the sound of cheerful music, junior children and senior brothers and sisters joined hands and danced happily in a circle. Recently, a break activity at Qiancheng Mingde Primary School (Xingxian Special Education School) in Weifen Town, Xingxian County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province infected many people. Without prior notice, it is hard to see that half of these lively, lovely and sunny children have different degrees of physical and intellectual disabilities, and the other half are left behind and children in distress from the populous county of Luliang Mountain.

Qiancheng Mingde Primary School undertakes the teaching task of special school-age children in the county. As a public totally closed residential school, most of the 146 children in the school have experienced the transformation from inferiority and isolation to sunny and cheerful. This change is more due to the love of loving mothers.

From material assistance to spiritual care

"I remember when I first saw Xiaoyu a year ago, his head was always low for an hour." Xiaojuan is not only a psychological consultant, but also a loving mother of Xiaoyu (a pseudonym), a child left behind in Qiancheng Mingde Primary School.

Xiaoyu's parents are divorced, and he lives with his grandparents. Although his father who works outside will send money home on time, due to the lack of family education and adolescent rebellion, Xiaoyu, who was originally outstanding, began to be bored with school and addicted to electronic products.

"She is always absent-minded in class and is unwilling to communicate with others." Xiaojuan and Xiaoyu paired up and sent him home. She lived and studied with her son for a period of time. "Maybe she felt the warmth of home, and Xiaoyu became more and more cheerful again."

Taking into account the special situation of the students in the school, the Xingxian Women's Federation has established a caring service team with caring people as the main members, such as the executive committee of the County Women's Federation, the March 8th Red Banner bearer, the heroine achievement pacesetter, the most beautiful family members, and the heroine volunteers. Relying on the school's "caring mother station", the Xingxian Women's Federation has recruited "one-on-one" and "many to one" caring mothers for children with special difficulties, Assist guardians to carry out supplementary care services for children. So far, 38 caring mothers have been recruited for 23 children with special difficulties.

"With the increase of various kinds of material assistance, children need more love and companionship, but not every child can get it. The love of loving mothers in pairs is a two-way journey of love." In Xiaojuan's view, the experience of loving mothers for more than a year is "the heart to heart companion and protection of a mother and children".

In order to better achieve family school community education, the school also organizes caring mothers who are engaged in family education and mental health work, goes deep into families of left behind children and children in distress, communicates with guardians, provides targeted guidance, helps parents correct wrong educational concepts and methods, and makes family education more scientific.

From "staying behind" to "staying together"

With the summer vacation approaching, Zhang Qiaoli, chairman of Yongji Women's Federation in Yuncheng City, began to plan this year's "Love on the Road" activity again.

Yongji people operate more than 30000 catering stores in other places, and 130000 people are engaged in catering and driving employment. Considering that migrant workers cannot go home and reunite with their children in winter and summer vacation, Yongji Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, with the cooperation of Women's Federation, Youth League Committee, education and other departments, has carried out the "Love on the Road" activity since 2015, organized caring mothers to escort the left behind children in batches, and took the high-speed railway to the left behind children's parents' work site to reunite with their parents.

In the summer of 2023, under the coordination and organization of Yongji Women's Federation, more than 700 left behind children, accompanied by more than 70 caring mothers, will travel to Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places by high-speed rail in batches to reunite with their parents.

At the same time, in order to encourage overseas workers to work and start businesses, and create a safe growth environment for left behind children, Yongji City will also carry out a video action of caring for family members in the city's left behind families in December 2023, and the Municipal Women's Federation will take the lead in organizing and implementing this activity. So far, 780 left behind children's families have been installed with video monitoring equipment.

"What children really need is the companionship of their parents, and our loving mothers are the bridge connecting this kind of kinship." Zhang Qiaoli, chairman of Yongji Women's Federation, said when talking about the meaning of "love on the road".

In Xinjiang County, Yuncheng City, there is also a women volunteer service team called "Hemerocallis fulva loving mother", which consists of 42 executive members of the Women's Federation and 42 left behind children in distress. On the eve of World Reading Day, "Hemerocallis Loving Mothers" walked into the library with their children hand in hand for parent-child reading, so that they could broaden their horizons in the atmosphere of love.

From "Monodrama" to "Group Dance"

At the recent promotion meeting of caring mothers, Taiyuan Women's Federation launched the "1+2+3+10+N" mode of paired care, that is, focusing on one theme, serving two caring groups, carrying out three activity plans, building 10 teams based on 10 counties (districts, cities), taking N kinds of caring activities, making full use of the innovative practice base of family style and family education, children's home and parent-child reading base, Mobilize the city's government officials, executive members of the Women's Federation, March 8th Red Bannermen, women volunteers and other caring women to carry out paired care activities around the actual needs of children left behind and in distress.

In Yaodu District, Linfen City, with the Civil Affairs Bureau as the main body, cadres, executive committee members, civil affairs officers of the township and village women's federations and other officials carrying out regular research work, meticulously collecting the information of 262 left behind children, 31 orphans, and 72 children in distress who are actually not raised by others, establishing "one person, one file", implementing dynamic adjustment, and introducing relevant relief measures, establishing a care and assistance mechanism for children in distress. In view of the orphans in the whole region and the fact that no one has raised children, the whole region has established a mechanism for leading cadres to contract orphans, and mobilized leaders at the district and township levels to act as "loving parents", scientifically matching with orphan families and flexibly pairing.

In Qinshui County, Jincheng City, from the year 2020, 30 caring mothers and 16 left behind children and children in need of help in pairs, to 2021, the county women's federation will unite with the civil affairs, education, industry and commerce federation to carry out the normalization of caring for left behind and children in need, and now 23 caring enterprises, 25 caring units, and more than 320 volunteers will form the "Qinxuan Mom" volunteer service team, Divide into 23 groups to regularly carry out "Qinxuan · Airun Childlike Innocence" women volunteer service and love assistance

Life is taken care of, spirit is taken care of, soul is comforted, and difficulties are helped. With the promotion of the "Three Year Action of Caring Mothers to Care for Left behind Children and Children in Difficulties", more and more "Caring Mothers" have joined the team of caring for left behind children and children in difficulties. Huang Cenli, the president of Shanxi Women's Federation, said that she would take twinning care as an important way to do practical things for the masses, pay attention to departmental linkage, and let more loving mothers become guides for children's growth, guardians of children's rights and interests, and dreamers of children's future.

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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