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Community Police of Minzhu Village: "Tibetan Blue Housekeeper" in "Wanxiang Renewal"

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-23 09:00

Original title:

Community Police of Minzhu Village: "Tibetan Blue Housekeeper" in "Wanxiang Renewal"

Worker's Daily - China Industrial Network reporter Li Guo Correspondent Li Zhuo

Coffee houses made of containers, clean community canteens and reception halls, fashionable play brands and flash mob activities loved by young people, these new things coexist harmoniously with old residential buildings in the 20th century in the Democratic Village, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing.

Democratic Village bears the memory of urban industry, and also writes a new chapter of community service and urban renewal. Cheng Huien, a community policeman from Xiejiawan Police Station of Jiulongpo District Public Security Branch, is not only a witness, but also a guardian. He said that the hardware of the democratic village is new, and the software should keep up with it. There is no property in the old community, and the community police are the "housekeepers" of the 2000 odd residents.

"Huimin Craftsman's Shop" Retains the Human Feelings of the Old Community

When Cheng Huien first came to the community to report for duty 10 years ago, the democratic village in front of him was a different scene. Rows of tin tents crossed the residential area, selling groceries, snacks, medicines and clothes, which had nothing to do with the mood and design, but were disorderly and lively.

When Jiulongpo District started the urban renewal of the Democratic Village area in 2021, Cheng Huien was most worried about the vendors in the "iron tent". He led the community cadres to listen to the voices of these old neighborhoods next to the stalls. Many people were worried about the future. After the renewal, will there be a place for them?

These small vendors are skilled at repairing electrical appliances or shaving; The service is provided to the village neighbors, and the charges are not high enough to meet the needs of surrounding residents. They cannot leave the democratic village, nor can they leave the old neighborhood of the democratic village.

Cheng Huien reported the collected information and proposed to open up a space for them at the edge of the update project, so that they could shelter from the wind and rain.

In 2023, the first phase of the Minzhu Village renewal project will be unveiled, and a "benefiting craftsman's shop" will be built in the branch road. There are Xiaohuang's shoe repair shop and Laosong's electrical repair shop, which will continue to serve the village neighbors without rent.

The "craftsmen" of Minzhu Village have always thought of "Cheng's household registration" and the good wishes of community cadres. The community organizes volunteer service activities for the elderly, and the "craftsmen" who shave and cut hair are always duty bound; The old houses in Minzhu Village inevitably have problems such as water seepage, which makes the neighbors unhappy. Community police can find "craftsmen" with waterproof expertise to help at the first time; If the elderly with inconvenient legs have problems with their household appliances, they will also find the "Cheng household registration". If the repair "craftsman" throws the shop away, they will repair it at home. If the shop is left to the nearby "craftsman" for care, they can also take care of it

"The ability of the community police is always limited. What we can do is to make use of the social resources available and exchange sincerity for sincerity." This is the first piece of Cheng Huien's "housekeeper" experience.

"Deal with orders immediately and implement policies by category" to prevent conflicts from leaving the village

To be a good steward, good service is not enough. How to deal with conflicts and disputes is a test of the wisdom of community police and their ability to work with the masses.

For complex community conflicts, Cheng Huien, together with community cadres, relevant departments, specially hired lawyers and enthusiastic residents, has built an efficient conflict mediation mechanism, that is, who receives the response first, who mediates first to ensure timeliness. Complex conflicts that cannot be handled at the first time will be discussed and judged by multiple parties, and the most suitable one or more people will intervene. By adopting the strategy of "taking orders and implementing policies by category", every dispute can be quickly responded to and properly handled. The democratic village community not only realizes the renovation of physical space, but also builds a harmonious and vibrant social ecology.

Protect the "bottom line of happiness" of the community with "three more and three early"

The old community has no property, so the community police should not only do a good job of housekeeper, but also do a good job of security.

The situation in the area under jurisdiction is quite complicated. Cheng Huien would run more, talk more and find out more. If he found any problem, he would go to the door in time to do work, so as to find, prevent and deal with it early. Relying on his own "stupid method", Cheng Huien has taken root in the democratic village community for ten years, and has recorded all the details in his jurisdiction in his own eyes. On the premise of analyzing the characteristics of the police situation, he relied on the security guard team to improve the community patrol, deter criminals, carry out safety publicity, investigate potential safety hazards, find case clues, and cooperate with the attack and disposal, which has played a multiplier role in preventing some unexpected cases.

In the first quarter of this year, through the accumulation and precipitation of Cheng Huien's early community work, the overall case rate of the democratic village community fell by 41.6% year on year, and the case rate of public security cases fell by 42.8% year on year, achieving a good social governance effect of declining police conditions and rising public satisfaction.

The story of Cheng Huien, the "Tibetan Blue Housekeeper", is a microcosm of the transformation of the old community, but also a vivid practice of people-oriented community service and smart innovation. Every progress of the democratic village embodies the painstaking efforts and wisdom of him and the community members, and together they draw a gorgeous picture of the old community emerging in the new era. In this process, the democratic village not only regained its own memory of the times, but also became a shining card in the field of community governance and urban renewal.

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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