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The First National Red Cross Volunteer Service Project Competition was held in Shenyang, Liaoning

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-23 08:34

Original title: The First National Red Cross Volunteer Service Project Competition was held in Shenyang, Liaoning

Worker's Daily - Zong Hong, Correspondent of China Industrial Network, Dou Feitao, Journalist

From May 21 to 22, the first National Red Cross Volunteer Service Project Competition jointly organized by the Federation of Red Cross Societies of China and the Central Social Work Department was held in Shenyang. The theme of the competition is "life education," "saving" around, "" offering "in action". After the preliminary evaluation and final, 60 projects such as "walking rescuers, young brothers and new forces" elected by the national Red Cross system won gold, silver and bronze awards respectively. Chen Zhu, President of the Red Cross Society of China, attended the award ceremony. Wang Ke, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice President of the Red Cross Society of China, Cai Lixin, Vice Minister of the Central Social Work Department, and Jin Guowei, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province and President of the Red Cross Society of China, attended the award ceremony and delivered speeches.

It is reported that there are 2.93 million volunteers and 28000 volunteer service organizations in the national Red Cross system. By holding this contest, we will strive to promote the Red Cross volunteer service organizations to keep up with the needs of the times, innovate and develop in organizational construction, mobilization methods, project cultivation, working methods and other aspects, guide the majority of Red Cross volunteers to actively integrate into the Party's social work system, actively serve the country's major strategies and tasks, and give full play to their main role in the Red Cross work, Promote the institutionalization, standardization and normalization of the Red Cross volunteer service in the new era, and highlight the important role of the Red Cross volunteer service in the cause of volunteer service with Chinese characteristics.

According to the field of volunteer service, the final is divided into school group and community group, which is conducted in the form of project statement and expert questions. The project involves healthy China, rural revitalization, community service, elderly care services, etc., covering emergency rescue, emergency rescue, humanitarian aid, publicity and promotion of unpaid blood donation, hematopoietic stem cell donation, body organ donation and other main responsibilities of the Red Cross, It has precise serviceability, operability and innovation. During the competition, exchange activities such as training of Red Cross volunteer service and demonstration of Red Cross volunteer service were also organized to show the style of Red Cross volunteer service and spread the culture of Red Cross volunteer service.

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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