Zhonggong Entertainment

Weihai High tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions: build a bridge for single employees

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 08:04

A few days ago, the "Love of Lin Hai · Waiting for You to Meet" single employee friendship activity in the first quarter of 2024 hosted by the Federation of Trade Unions of Weihai High tech Zone, Shandong Province, officially kicked off. More than 70 single employees from government agencies, enterprises and public institutions across the zone participated in the activity, and met "people with destiny" through the "bridge of magpie" built by the trade union.


Recently, the Federation of Trade Unions of Weihai High tech Zone held a friendship activity for single employees. Drawing provided by Weihai High tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions

The activity kicked off in the game of "Beating Heart". The happy atmosphere eliminated the strangeness of single employees. Everyone actively participated in the links of drumming, flower passing, heart to heart and heart to heart dating. Laughter and applause rose one after another at the scene, and 7 pairs of guests reached an intention to make friends on the spot.

The Federation of Trade Unions of the High tech Zone also set up a special area for "Trade Union Matchmakers" and "Emotional Consultation" on the site, inviting marriage and love experts to conduct on-site psychological counseling, and four trade union Matchmakers volunteers to provide one-on-one services to help employees "get rid of orders" as soon as possible.

The "Love of Lin Hai · Waiting for You to Meet" single employee friendship activity is one of the brand projects of the High tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions to serve employees, which is very popular among employees. In combination with the needs of employees, the Federation of Trade Unions of the High tech Zone will lead the Trade Union's Matchmaker Volunteer Service Team to hold friendship activities for single employees at different levels and scales, provide a platform for single employees in the whole district to meet, know and fall in love, help the majority of single employees to solve their lifelong problems, and improve their sense of gain and happiness. (Xia Liping)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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