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Build a "colorful home for employees" and improve the "happiness index" of employees

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-23 09:51

Original title: Build a "Colorful Home for Employees" and Improve the "Happiness Index" of Employees

Worker's Daily - Huang Shiqiang, reporter of China Industrial Network, Xu Zhenzhen, correspondent, Yi Lian

On May 20, Chongqing Nan'an District Federation of Trade Unions awarded the real estate company of China Railway 20th Bureau, which won the title of "Chongqing Model Worker's Home", and presented the "Exhibition Book of Chongqing Federation of Trade Unions' Achievements in the Construction of Worker's Home" and the "Guidelines for the Construction of New Era Worker's Home".


Ma Dengfeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Trade Union of the Real Estate Company of China Railway 20th Bureau, said that in recent years, the trade union of the company has adhered to the working idea of "building a family to gather people's hearts and promote development", and has been exploring with heart, emotion and strength to create the brand of "multicolored workers' home", giving new content, expanding new fields and injecting new vitality into its construction, Promote the continuous increase of employee happiness index, and truly build the "Home of Employees" into a warm and harmonious home.

It is understood that in order to actively build a "colorful home for employees", the trade union of the Real Estate Company of China Railway 20th Bureau, based on its own nature and characteristics, has organized various colorful, healthy and progressive staff sports activities such as interesting sports meetings and keynote speech contests, making every effort to build a brand of "cultural and sports trade union" activities and build a red "civilized home"; Focusing on the theme of "making achievements during the 14th Five Year Plan period and building a new journey for dreams", we will carry out in-depth activities such as labor competition, skill competition, mentoring, innovation and excellence creation to build a blue "benefit home"; Adhere to the principle of "people first", vigorously promote democratic management in the basic form of opening enterprise affairs and workers' congress, establish and improve democratic management system, and build an orange "democratic home".

At the same time, the trade union of the company, in combination with the needs of employees, has carefully built cultural service positions such as "Party and Mass Living Room", "Health House", "Staff Book House", and "Mental Health Counseling Room" to build a pink "Warm Home"; Actively organize the general contractor and subcontractor to hold safety training, emergency drills, watch safety warning educational films, carry out safety commitments and other activities, and build a green "healthy home".

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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