Zhonggong Entertainment

Qingdao West Coast New Area Property Service Industry Trade Union Federation held the industry training publicity month

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 10:06

In May, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Property Service Industry in Qingdao West Coast New Area, Shandong Province launched the property industry training and publicity month.

In early May, the trade union of the property service industry in the West Coast New Area carried out on-site observation on the fire safety management of electric bicycles. Organize nearly 600 people from the New Area Property Management Service Center, the security management personnel of the property management departments in all towns and streets, the principals of all property service enterprises and the security management principals to conduct electric vehicle management, corridor management, resident services, and the establishment of the red property and red industry committee, the construction of electric bicycle charging shed (charging pile) The installation and operation of charging shed civil air defense technology fire extinguishing system, AI car blocking system and other standard measures, experience and practices shall be observed and learned. During the activity, the trade union volunteers also distributed publicity materials for the fire safety of electric bicycles to the residents, and popularized the knowledge about fire safety of electric bicycles.

In late May, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Property Service Industry in the New Area organized the trade union work training of the property service industry in the conference room on the third floor of Ruiyuan Mingjia International, and a total of more than 350 people participated in the training. Ding Chuankai, the head of the Grass roots Work Department of the New Area Federation of Trade Unions, was invited to give a lecture. Ding Chuankai explained the working knowledge and working methods of the Grass roots Trade Unions to the participants in combination with the work content of the "Home Trade Unions", and said that all property companies should actively assist the community trade unions to build a good trade union at the entrance of the workers' homes, and polish the service brand of "I'm beside you".

Participants said that the industry training was rich in content, close to the actual work, targeted and practical, which not only improved the property service ability, but also deepened the understanding of the "door-to-door trade union" and broadened the working ideas.

In the next step, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Property Service Industry in Qingdao West Coast New Area will continue to carry out various trainings on safety production and business skills, actively carry out the construction of "door-to-door trade unions", do a solid job in providing inclusive services for employees, try to do good things for employees, do practical things, solve problems, and contribute to the strength of property owners to ensure people's livelihood, stabilize employment, and promote development in the New Area. (Chen Xiaojie, Wang Naixin, Li Ran)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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