Zhonggong Entertainment

Work point: "acquaintance recommendation", it's time to close it!

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-23 07:46

Original title:

Work point: "acquaintance recommendation", it's time to close it!

A short video you liked was seen by a friend; A message you browsed was recommended to your friends... Have you ever had a similar experience?
"Acquaintance recommendation" is an algorithm mechanism that many Internet APPs admire. It is to collect the user's address book, associated friends and other data, and recommend related people or things to the user's "friends" after algorithm analysis.
This mechanism disgusts many netizens: the recommender does not want others to know what he has browsed online, and the recommended acquaintance may not need this function. This function, which embarrassed both parties, should be turned off.

Editor in charge: Chen Lihui

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