Zhonggong Entertainment

Israel will continue to participate in Gaza ceasefire negotiations

Source: CCTV News Client
2024-05-23 07:34

Former title: Israel will continue to participate in the Gaza ceasefire negotiations

In the early morning of the 23rd local time, the Israeli War Cabinet ended its meeting for discussion. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered that the Israeli delegation will continue to participate in the exchange of personnel and the negotiation of a ceasefire agreement in Gaza.

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) announced on the 6th of this month that it agreed to the ceasefire proposal in Gaza Strip put forward by the mediation side, but the Israeli side said that the conditions agreed by Hamas were far from their requirements. From the 7th, Hamas, Israel and relevant mediators held ceasefire talks in Cairo, Egypt. On the 9th, the negotiation broke down.

(Chief reporter Zhao Bing)

Editor in charge: Liu Chuan

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