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Take the initiative to ask for accurate response to Chengdu's "service" to help enterprises "take off"

Source: Xinhua daily telegraph
2024-05-23 15:18

Original title: take the initiative to ask for accurate response to Chengdu's "service" to help enterprises "take off"

Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, May 22( Reporter Dong Xiaohong, Li Qianwei )The "private enterprise reception hall" provides face-to-face questions and answers for enterprises, creates a smart platform for "policies to find enterprises", and promotes "One Network" by "running at most once"... Recently, Chengdu, Sichuan, adheres to the problem oriented and demand oriented approach, constantly optimizes the business environment, aims to solve the problems and obstacles of enterprises, and enables the development of private enterprises to "go into battle light".

Enterprises and departments "easy to see"

"What specific policies does Chengdu have in cultivating specialized and new 'little giant' enterprises?"

"What are the measures taken to support private enterprise financing and listing?"

Point to point questions were answered and questions were answered face to face. Forty private enterprise heads and nearly 20 heads of relevant government departments gathered around the "Dragon Gate Array", which was the scene of the second phase of "Chengdu Easy to See · Private Enterprise Meeting Hall" led by Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission.

As the first entrepreneur to ask questions, Qian Peng, Deputy General Manager of Chengdu Huaxing Huiming Technology Co., Ltd. listened carefully and took several pages of notes. Qian Peng's enterprise was founded in 2016, with an output value of more than 400 million yuan in 2023, which is in the critical period of "climbing the slope and crossing the barrier". "The meeting was very timely and helped us solve many puzzles on the spot," Qian Peng said.

Face to face is the beginning, and service is not only temporary. "If an enterprise has any problem, it will put it forward at any time. If it can answer it on the spot, it will answer it immediately. If it can't solve it in time, we will establish a standing book, form a whole life cycle appeal service solution mechanism, and follow up and communicate at any time." Xiang Bin, deputy director of Chengdu Development and Reform Commission, said.

The reporter saw at the scene that not only large enterprises but also many small, medium and micro enterprises attended the meeting.

Chengdu Lilutong Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. is a small and medium-sized enterprise in the field of smart display. Before entering the conference, Huang Jitao, the chairman of the company, was a bit worried. After the meeting, he not only dispelled his concerns, but also learned an exciting good news - the recently launched "55 private economy" in Chengdu supports private enterprises to participate in government procurement, SMEs will have more opportunities to participate in government procurement.

"The government will leave a list for SMEs in the procurement field, which gives us strong confidence," said Huang Jitao.

"Enterprises and departments face problems directly, communicate frankly, and the meeting is very practical and practical." Zhang Kejian, secretary-general of Chengdu New Energy Automobile Industry Alliance, cannot help but praise.

"Enterprises seek policies" becomes "policies seek enterprises"

"Recently, the company's account received 200000 yuan of award and subsidy funds for high-tech enterprises, which can be said to be" paid in seconds ", very convenient," said Chen Bin, head of Chengdu Fishery Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd.

This is a microcosm of Chengdu Xinjin District's creation of a smart platform to enable "policies to find enterprises".

In the past, when enterprises wanted to get policy bonus and subsidy funds, they should pay attention to the declaration notice issued by the government. When enterprises received the notice, they often found that the deadline for declaration was almost past. In order to solve this problem, Xinjin District of Chengdu innovatively implemented the measures of "free application and instant enjoyment" and "easy application and quick enjoyment", so that "enterprises find policies" become "policies find enterprises".

"Now, the government actively reminds us to receive bonus and subsidy funds through the smart platform. After the enterprise confirms on the mobile phone or computer, the funds will automatically arrive in the account soon, which greatly reduces the declaration burden of the enterprise," said Chen Bin.

"Relying on the 'Smart Xinjin' data platform, we have established an enterprise database and accurately portrayed enterprises." The relevant person in charge of the Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau of Xinjin District, Chengdu introduced that the relevant departments of Xinjin District also comprehensively sorted out and disassembled the preferential policies for enterprises, established a policy database, and used the "policy to find enterprises" smart application scenario, The adaptive policies and estimated amount of enjoyment are pushed to enterprises with an average accuracy of more than 80%, and key enterprises can reach more than 90%, so that the implementation of preferential enterprise policies can achieve "zero travel for enterprises and accurate enjoyment of policies".

"In the past, we had to study and check various preferential policies, but now we can settle them with one click, which not only saves a lot of time, but also makes us feel secure." After the implementation of the new measures, Wang Zonglan, assistant general manager of Chengdu Xinjin Shifeng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd., felt much more relaxed.

Since the launch of the trial operation on April 9 this year, the platform of "policy seeking enterprises" in Xinjin District, Chengdu has completed two batches of "free application and enjoy" preferential enterprise policies, 203 local enterprises have benefited, and the cashed capital has reached 43.99 million yuan.

Service upgrading helps speed up development

"It used to take more than 10 days, but now it has been completed in one day, and it can only be done once at most." Recently, Mr. Zhang, a staff member of Chengdu Puzheng Precision Technology Co., Ltd., received the project approval documents "once" at the Chengdu Jianyang Municipal Government Affairs Service Center.

"Our enterprise focuses on the production of precision instruments in the field of new energy. Now we are eager to build a new manufacturing base. The total investment of the project is 5 billion yuan. The first phase of the project is planned to be completed and put into use this year. Now, the approval process is more convenient, which has won valuable project construction time for enterprises." Mr. Zhang said.

From more than 10 days to just one day, from running multiple windows to running only one window, from running several times to running well at one time, behind these "accelerated" changes is the continuous improvement of Chengdu's business environment.

Focusing on the development needs of enterprises in the whole life cycle, we will make overall plans to promote the "One Network Access" of government services, the "One Network Access" of policy elements, and the "One Key Response" of enterprises' demands... Service upgrading will continue to boost the scale of Chengdu's private economy.

In 2023, the total number of business entities in Chengdu will exceed 3.89 million. From January to March this year, the added value of private economy in Chengdu reached 278.092 billion yuan, up 5.0% year on year, accounting for 50.4% of GDP.

"With more practical policy support and more convenient service guarantee, I believe that this year's enterprise development will reach a higher level," said Lv Yuewen, chairman of Chengdu Meimei Paint Co., Ltd.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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