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Implement the global civilization initiative and enrich the world civilization garden

Source: People's Daily
2024-05-23 07:29

Original title: Implementing the Global Civilization Initiative and Enriching the World Civilization Garden

Civilizations exchange due to diversity, learn from each other due to exchange, and develop due to mutual learning. Since the new era, President Xi Jinping has expounded a series of Chinese positions and programs on global culture, civilization development, exchanges and mutual learning on several major international occasions. Five years ago, President Xi Jinping put forward four proposals for strengthening exchanges and mutual learning in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Conference on Dialogue among Asian Civilizations. In March last year, President Xi Jinping put forward and profoundly explained the global civilization initiative at the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and the world's political parties, pointing out that "we are willing to work with the international community to create a new situation of people to people exchanges, cultural integration, and people to people connections among countries around the world, so that the world's cultural gardens are colorful and vibrant". The Global Civilization Initiative is another important public product that China provides to the international community after the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative. It contributes Chinese wisdom and inspires spiritual strength to promote the progress of human civilization and respond to global common challenges.

The Global Civilization Initiative guides the progress of human civilization with a broad vision

In today's world, the great changes that have not happened in a century are accelerating, the development process of human society is tortuous, the two orientations of unity and division are intertwined, and challenges and opportunities are intertwined, full of instability and uncertainty. To resolve the outstanding contradictions and problems facing mankind, we need to rely on material means to overcome difficulties, and also rely on the strength of spirit to be sincere and honest. Standing at the crossroads of human civilization and aiming at uniting all countries to jointly address the difficulties and challenges facing the development of world civilization, President Xi Jinping proposed the global civilization initiative, contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese programs to the development and progress of human civilization. This initiative points out the direction of human civilization from the theoretical level, points out the bright prospects for the prosperity and development of the world civilization garden, and provides cultural civilization strength for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind; Answering from the practical level how different civilizations coexist and injecting strong positive energy into promoting an equal and orderly world of multi polarization and inclusive economic globalization is of great practical significance for achieving the UN's sustainable development goals and maintaining world peace and security.

President Xi Jinping pointed out: "If we want to promote the development of human society and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind, we must deeply understand and grasp the long history and rich content of various civilizations, so that the essence of all civilizations can benefit today and mankind." Since ancient times, Chinese civilization has been communicating and learning from other civilizations with an open attitude and inclusive mind, From it, we can obtain the inexhaustible power of inheritance and development, and also vigorously promote the progress of human civilization with our own development. The Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to promote Chinese style modernization. It not only adheres to independence and independence, proceeds from the national conditions, but also draws on the experience of other countries, draws on all the outstanding achievements of human civilization, and has made remarkable achievements in modernization. The Global Civilization Initiative is rooted in the profound soil of China's excellent traditional culture, based on the practical exploration of Chinese style modernization, summarizes the experience and lessons of various civilizations in human history, advocates inclusiveness, openness, inclusiveness, exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations, and demonstrates China's demeanor and demeanor as a great civilized country, It shows the CPC's profound insight into the development of human civilization and its commitment to making progress for mankind and seeking common ground for the world.

The Global Civilization Initiative is deeply in line with the common aspiration of the international community for the harmonious coexistence of multiple civilizations, the United States and the United States, and has received extensive attention and active support from all sides since its inception. At the International Conference on "Understanding China", the "Liangzhu Forum", the Taihu World Cultural Forum and other occasions, many politicians spoke highly of the Global Civilization Initiative. They believed that the Global Civilization Initiative respected the exploration of people in different countries for their own development paths, and was highly consistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, helping to promote dialogue and cooperation to replace hegemonic thinking. As an important consensus, the Global Civilization Initiative has been written into the joint statement, press release or declaration of China, Russia, Serbia, Hungary, Zambia, Maldives and other countries as well as Central Asia, the Arab League, the Lancang Mekong River and other regions.

The Global Civilization Initiative answers the questions of the times about the development of human civilization with rich implications

The Global Civilization Initiative takes four "common initiatives" as its main contents, namely, jointly advocating respect for the diversity of world civilizations, jointly advocating the promotion of the common values of all mankind, jointly advocating the importance of civilization inheritance and innovation, jointly advocating strengthening international people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and advocating that different civilizations learn from each other and make common progress, We should work together to resolve major issues that have a bearing on the future of the world and the future and destiny of mankind, and promote the progress of human civilization.

Respect the diversity of world civilizations. President Xi Jinping pointed out: "We should jointly advocate respect for the diversity of civilizations in the world, adhere to the equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness of civilizations, and transcend cultural estrangement through exchanges of civilizations, cultural conflict through mutual learning, and cultural superiority through inclusiveness." The diversity of human civilizations is the basic feature of the world, and is also the charm of human civilization. The progress of human civilization does not lie in the dominance of one civilization, but in the blooming of different civilizations. There are more than 200 countries and regions, more than 2500 nationalities and multiple religions in the world. Different histories, national conditions, nationalities and customs have bred different civilizations. Diversity brings exchange, exchange breeds integration, and integration brings progress. The diversity of human civilization endows the world with colorful colors. Civilization has no superiority or inferiority, only features and regions. Civilization differences should not become the root of world conflicts, but should become the driving force of human civilization progress. In dealing with different civilizations, only by breaking down barriers to exchanges, eliminating barriers to exchanges, and drawing wisdom from each other with the broad-minded and inclusive attitude can countries continue to create new achievements of civilization.

Promote the common values of all mankind. President Xi Jinping pointed out: "We should jointly advocate and carry forward the common values of all mankind. Peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom are the common pursuit of all peoples. We should have a broad understanding of the understanding of different civilizations on the meaning of values, not impose our own values and models on others, and not engage in ideological confrontation." In recent years, Various global threats and challenges are emerging one after another, and the peace deficit, development deficit, security deficit and governance deficit are increasing. Human society shares security and danger, and honor and disgrace depend on each other. Only through solidarity and cooperation can countries effectively respond to global challenges. However, under the banner of "universal value", individual countries wantonly interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, provoke conflicts and confrontation, and undermine the efforts of countries to unite and cooperate to deal with the crisis. China advocates the promotion of the common values of all mankind, and adheres to the unity of universality and particularity. It not only promotes the value consensus of different civilizations of mankind, but also respects the particularity and difference of different countries and civilizations in the path of value realization, which is conducive to bringing together the will and strength of all mankind to meet global challenges and take the road of modernization for all countries Building a better world provides correct value guidance.

Attach importance to the inheritance and innovation of civilization. President Xi Jinping pointed out: "We should jointly advocate attaching importance to the inheritance and innovation of civilization, fully tap the value of the times in the history and culture of all countries, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional culture of all countries in the process of modernization." Inheritance is the protection of the foundation of civilization, and innovation is the driving force for the development of civilization. The sustainable development of civilization requires not only inheritance and protection from generation to generation, but also adaptation to the situation and innovation. The new ideas of human beings are constantly sprouting in the fertile soil of traditional civilization, developing in the process of inheritance, innovating in the process of development, trickling and shining in the long river of history, and constantly providing wisdom and strength for human beings to solve new era issues. We should vigorously promote the excellent culture across time and space and across countries, not only maintain and cherish the excellent traditional culture of our own nation, but also learn and absorb the essence of the civilization of other countries and nations, from which to explore the ideological wisdom and spiritual strength to solve the problems of the times, so that the essence of all civilizations can benefit today and mankind.

Strengthen international people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation. President Xi Jinping pointed out that "we should jointly advocate the strengthening of international people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation, explore the building of a global network of dialogue and cooperation among civilizations, enrich the content of exchanges, expand cooperation channels, promote people of all countries to know each other, and jointly promote the development and progress of human civilization." International people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation are based on mutual understanding and respect among civilizations, and contribute to deepening political mutual trust Economic and trade exchanges and practical cooperation play an important role in consolidating the social and public opinion foundation for promoting the construction of a new type of international relations. In the face of the current challenges such as the rise of the "theory of clash of civilizations" and the "theory of superiority of civilizations", the rise of anti globalization thoughts, countries need to make a rational choice whether to move towards common prosperity or confrontation, or to move towards innovation and progress or stagnation and retrogression. We should strengthen international people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation, promote exchanges and mutual learning among human civilizations, tighten the ties between countries, build bridges between people, and constantly write a new chapter in the world's colorful civilization.

Promote dialogue and mutual learning among civilizations, and promote mutual understanding among the people

State to state relations lie in people to people relations, and people to people relations lie in heart to heart communication. Human to human communication and heart to heart communication will help eliminate the strangeness and estrangement between cultures, strengthen the resilience of state to state relations, and create conditions for the implementation of the global civilization initiative. People's diplomacy bears a unique and important mission in carrying out people to people and cultural exchanges with foreign countries and promoting people to people connectivity. On the new journey, we should continue to play an important role in people's diplomacy, actively implement the global civilization initiative, promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Serve the overall diplomatic situation at a high level. People's diplomacy is an important part of the overall diplomacy of the country. We always adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, mobilize people's forces, coordinate private resources, and make important contributions to the diplomacy of major countries with Chinese characteristics. On the new journey, people's diplomacy adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implements Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy and Xi Jinping Cultural Thought, closely focuses on the central task of the party and the state, takes the diplomacy of the head of state as the guide, closely cooperates with official diplomacy, and promotes international exchanges and cooperation and civilized dialogue and communication, Efforts should be made to make the core concept of the Global Civilization Initiative understood and recognized by more people in the international community.

Deeply promote people to people friendship. The profound friendship between the people is the source of strength for the development of national relations. We should stick to being close to the people, show people's perspective, express people's will, and constantly promote mutual understanding and sincere communication between Chinese and foreign people. We should give full play to the advantages of people's diplomacy, such as flexible forms, diverse channels, and a wide audience, make more friends in Shenzhen, and carry out friendly exchanges with dignitaries, former dignitaries, think tanks, scholars, media, local and social organizations and groups in various countries. In particular, we should vigorously strengthen exchanges between Chinese and foreign youth, inherit and expand the cause of people's friendship, and promote people of all countries to come in and go out with friends, acquaintances, and relatives.

We will expand exchanges and mutual learning in all directions. Promoting dialogue and mutual learning among civilizations is a major task that requires joint efforts and all-round development. We should improve our work layout, expand our work channels, enrich our work content, and build a platform for mutual learning and common development of civilizations by holding exchanges and visits, international forums, etc., to promote transnational exchanges in economic, political, educational, scientific, technological, cultural and other fields. Promote the concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness, introduce the Chinese people to the colorful world civilization, show the unique charm and vitality of the Chinese civilization to the people of all countries, and promote the harmonious coexistence and mutual achievements of different civilizations.

Tell Chinese stories well from multiple perspectives. Telling Chinese stories well is a realistic requirement for promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. One of the important responsibilities of people's diplomacy is to show a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China with an understandable and accessible folk diplomatic narrative and appealing folk diplomatic discourse. At present, more and more people in the world are interested in the Chinese road, Chinese theory, Chinese system and Chinese culture. People's diplomacy will make great efforts to dig out vivid and fresh materials and cases. With the help of a broad exchange platform, we will take the initiative to tell the story of the Communist Party of China's governance, the story of the Chinese people's struggle to realize their dreams, and the story of China's adherence to peaceful development and win-win cooperation in an international language and manner, so as to integrate China and foreign countries, connect the past and present, and make the world better understand China in the new era.

Wang Chao, The author is President of the Chinese People's Foreign Affairs Association)

Editor in charge: queen

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