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The German Science and Technology Festival shows the achievements of green science and technology research and development

Source: People's Daily
2024-05-23 07:28

Original title: German Science and Technology Festival displays green technology research and development achievements

People's Daily, Berlin, May 22

People's Daily reporter Xu Xin

In front of the booth of a German technology company, visitors learned the concept of energy-saving city with VR (virtual reality) glasses. Photographed by People's Daily reporter Xu Xin

The 6th Green Science and Technology Festival was recently held in Berlin, the capital of Germany. More than 200 exhibitors concentrated on displaying new achievements and new programs in the field of green science and technology.

At the booth of the German start-up "Minimize", the staff showed the visitors the detailed tracking records of electronic waste recycling, including the time of recycling and reuse in various places, as well as the specific proportion of copper, silver, gold, etc. contained in the product. Stefan, the founder of the company, told reporters that German enterprises should submit the Corporate Social Responsibility Report to the government every year, which includes the recycling of products sold, but it is difficult to clearly grasp the relevant situation of products in other countries and regions. "Through blockchain technology, we can provide enterprises with the recycling data of electronic products in Mexico, Ghana, Italy and other countries to help enterprises achieve the goal of circular economy." Another Italian technology company also specially demonstrated the artificial intelligence machine for electronic waste recycling, which can identify and disassemble the toxic part of electronic waste, Leave recyclable electronic components, etc.

The research and development of innovative materials is an important part of green technology. Deutsche Bahn displayed the green materials currently used by German trains, such as wear-resistant carpets made of renewable materials such as old fishing nets, and seat covers made of recyclable materials. The company is also developing leather substitutes made of cactus, apple peel, etc., for seat armrests, etc. In August this year, 60% recyclable urban noise reduction panels developed by German Railways will be put into use in Hamburg.

Some start-ups also demonstrated "new cement" that can replace traditional cement, which not only greatly reduces carbon emissions, but also can help build a "sponge city" with its good water storage properties. "Super Peel" is a start-up enterprise founded in Berlin by young Chinese scientific and technological talents. The company showed a new material made of fruit waste and algae, which is beautiful, durable and biodegradable, attracting many visitors to stop and consult.

At the exhibition, the staff of German Stade Railway Company introduced that 55 battery electric trains produced by the company for the northern German state of Shihehe had been delivered and put into use. It is estimated that these battery electric trains can reduce about 26000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. At present, the company is cooperating with Siemens to produce five new environmentally friendly trains.

Lufthansa Group, the largest airline in Europe, said that the group invested 2.5 billion euros every year to upgrade its fleet and purchase and use sustainable aviation fuel made of waste cooking oil and agricultural and forestry waste. In 2023, Lufthansa Group will add one new fuel saving aircraft to its fleet every 10 days on average. Compared with traditional aircraft, the fuel consumption of new aircraft will be reduced by about 30%. Lufthansa Group also launched the "green ticket" option in 2023. The flights corresponding to this ticket will use sustainable aviation fuel, and part of the ticket price will be used to support climate change projects. Since the implementation of "green ticket", 77000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced.

The German Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Protection encouraged more start-ups to participate in green technology R&D and exploration at the Science and Technology Festival to promote sustainable development. At the same time, it announced the launch of the "Renewable Energy for Your Home" project, which can provide up to 60000 euros of financial support for each family to speed up the upgrading of ordinary household electricity and gas.

Editor in charge: Liu Chuan

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