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Serve scientific and technological innovation, maintain fair competition -- intellectual property helps the development and growth of new quality productivity

Source: Economic Daily
2024-05-23 10:07

Original title: Serve scientific and technological innovation and maintain fair competition (quotation)

Intellectual property helps the development of new quality productivity (theme)

Economic Daily reporter Yin Sheng

According to the data recently released by the State Intellectual Property Office, 921000 invention patents will be granted in 2023, up 15.3% year on year. In the 2023 Global Innovation Index Report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, China has 24 of the world's top 100 science and technology clusters, ranking first in the world for the first time. The development of intellectual property has been stable and improved, laying a solid foundation for cultivating and developing new quality productivity.

Strengthen protection and encourage innovation

Innovation can give birth to new industries, new models and new driving forces, and is the core element of developing new quality productivity. Tao Kaiyuan, Vice President of the Supreme People's Court, believes that intellectual property rights are directly related to the landing of innovation and are most closely related. To protect intellectual property is to protect innovation, and to serve and accelerate the development of new quality productivity.

In 2023, China will approve 4.383 million registered trademarks, register 11000 integrated circuit layout designs, and register 6428000 works and 2.495 million computer software copyrights, up 42.3% and 36.0% year on year respectively. The continuous emergence of innovative achievements is inseparable from China's strong support in terms of review and authorization, legal protection, achievements transformation, service guarantee, etc.

Hu Wenhui, Deputy Director of the State Intellectual Property Office, introduced that Hefei has strengthened the protection of the original innovative achievements of the comprehensive national science center, and promoted more scientific research achievements to the application scene. Tianjin Binhai New Area actively serves strategic science and technology entities such as the National Supercomputing Center and Haihe Laboratory, and supports key core technology research with the precise intellectual property protection model of "order+expert". Hangzhou set up a digital economy intellectual property protection center to carry out the reform of data intellectual property protection system.

It is reported that up to now, the first 10 national intellectual property protection demonstration zones have achieved initial results, and the second 15 have been selected. There are 112 national intellectual property protection centers and rapid rights protection centers. In 2023, 44000 cases of patent and trademark violations will be investigated and handled, and 68000 administrative cases of patent infringement disputes will be handled. While encouraging innovation, the protection work provides a stable and predictable good environment for intellectual property rights to become real gold and silver.

Escort enterprises to "go global"

Intellectual property is the core element of enterprises' international competitiveness, and increasingly becomes the focus of international competition. In recent years, the State Intellectual Property Office has taken effective measures to help Chinese enterprises safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas intellectual property.

It is reported that the State Intellectual Property Office, together with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, has set up the National Overseas Intellectual Property Dispute Response and Guidance Center, laid out and built 43 local sub centers in 27 provinces (regions, cities), and set up work guidance stations in countries and regions with intensive trade exchanges to provide professional and efficient overseas rights protection guidance services for enterprises. In 2023 alone, it guided 1706 enterprises, helped enterprises recover economic losses of 6.89 billion yuan, and helped enterprises reduce rights protection costs of 390 million yuan. At the same time, the State Intellectual Property Office has continuously strengthened the collection and supply of overseas intellectual property information, and regularly released intellectual property laws and regulations and risk warning information of key countries and regions using the "Smart Southern Needle" network platform to help enterprises understand the relevant situation in a timely manner.

"Intellectual property is the escort of JD's smart logistics to the sea. At present, JD's intelligent storage robots and systems have been deployed in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, the United States and other countries." Hu Huangang, vice president of JD Group and head of the Legal Compliance and Intellectual Property Department, said that only by protecting intellectual property can the new quality productivity develop and grow, and help enterprises move forward steadily.

"Not to be a Chinese hamburger, but to be the world's Rougamo" is Tongguan's declaration of Rougamo going to the world. Yu Juanxia, secretary of Tongguan County Party Committee, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, told reporters that Tongguan Rougamo has now registered a collective trademark of geographical indications and actively registered overseas trademarks. At present, Tongguan Rougamo has 13 enterprises and 33 production lines, with more than 10000 stores in 17 countries and regions.

Remarkable patent transformation effect

In 2023, China's patent transformation and application benefits will be prominent, and the total amount of patent and trademark pledge financing registration will reach 853.99 billion yuan, an increase of 75.4% year on year. The amount of copyright pledge guarantee reached 9.86 billion yuan, up 80.8% year on year. Through the patent open license pilot, 17000 licenses were obtained. In 2023, the industrialization rate of Chinese enterprises' invention patents will exceed 50% for the first time, maintaining growth for five consecutive years.

The quality of patents is the key to good transformation effect. The Special Action Plan for Patent Transformation and Application (2023-2025) proposed that efforts should be made to strengthen policy incentives and improve patent quality, so as to do a good job in patent transformation and application. It is necessary to form a feedback mechanism by establishing a closed-loop work, constantly improve the front-end patent application and review policies according to the effect of back-end patent transformation, and continuously consolidate the quality foundation of patent transformation.

Shen Changyu, Director of the State Intellectual Property Office, said that to further improve the quality of patents, it is necessary to highlight the orientation of patent industrialization and accelerate the implementation of the pre application evaluation system with industrialization prospect as the core; Strictly control patent examination authorization, continuously improve the examination quality assurance system and business guidance system, strengthen internal and external quality evaluation, strengthen the application of artificial intelligence and large model technology in patent examination, and improve the ability of patent examination; Strengthen the training of patent agencies and agents, cultivate a group of patent agencies and expert talents with strong professional ability and good market reputation, strengthen the construction of agency capacity from the supply side, and transform more good technological innovation achievements into high-value patents with industrialization prospects.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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