Zhonggong Entertainment

Glorious Red May, Joyful and Healthy

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 07:05

On May 21, 2007, Nanle County, Puyang City, Henan Province held the "Glorious Red May, Joyful Movement, Healthier" 2024 Nanle County Workers' Gymnastics Competition. 19 teams from all institutions in the county participated in the competition, with 489 cadres and employees.


On May 21, Nanle County held the 2024 Nanle County Workers' Gymnastics Competition, "Glorious Red May, Joyful Movement, Healthier". Courtesy of Puyang Federation of Trade Unions

With the beautiful and beautiful music beat of the ninth set of broadcast gymnastics, the teams entered the arena in turn according to the order determined by drawing lots. The team members did every movement incisively and vividly with neat and uniform movements and vigorous postures, fully demonstrating the spirit of unity, cooperation and enterprising spirit of all teams, and winning the cheers of the audience.

The whole competition atmosphere was warm and climaxed. After fierce competition, the representative team of Nanle County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau won the first prize, the representative team of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, the representative team of the County Bureau of Culture, Radio, Tourism and Sports won the second prize, and the representative team of the County Transportation Bureau, the representative team of the County Health Commission, and the representative team of the County People's Hospital won the third prize.

This activity fully demonstrated the spirit of the whole county's cadres and workers to be uplifted and enterprising, and effectively enhanced their awareness of healthy work and happy life. The contestants all said that they would continue to carry forward the spirit of this competition in their future work, maintain their passion for work with more enthusiasm, more energy, and more robust physique, and contribute to the high-quality development of Nanle County. (Geng Tongtong)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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