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CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. has participated in the construction of more than 300 bridges across rivers, seas, mountains and canyons, and more than 20 have become "the world's first bridges"

New Achievements, New Highlights, New Development, Enterprise Chapter Intelligent Construction Makes China Bridge Cross the "Forbidden Area"

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-23 04:26

[New Achievements, New Highlights, New Development, Enterprise]

Original title: CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. participated in the construction of more than 300 bridges across rivers, seas, mountains and canyons, and more than 20 bridges became "the first bridge in the world" (quotation)

Intelligent construction enables China Bridge to cross the "project forbidden area" (theme)

Workers' Daily - reporter of China Industrial Network Bei Meng, former correspondent Luo Zhao Dai Hao

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In recent years, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., with the help of digital intelligence, has constantly broken through the "ceiling" of traditional bridge construction and built bridges in the former "project restricted area", helping China Bridge to become a shining national card. Behind the continuous extension of world-class bridges across the chasm, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Bureau actively adopts key technologies and equipment for intelligent construction.

On May 6, in Wuhan, Jiangcheng, in the 6000 square meter experimental building of Yangluo Experimental Base, a number of intelligent equipment developed by CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. were in full swing for pilot test. At the next stop, they will be sent to all parts of the country and put into various super project construction sites to help the project better, faster and safer refresh the construction "progress bar".

In recent years, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., with the help of digital intelligence, has constantly broken through the "ceiling" of traditional bridge construction and built bridges in the former "project restricted area", helping China Bridge to become a shining national card. Among the more than 300 bridges across rivers, seas and mountains, more than 20 have become "the first bridge in the world".

Super engineering has repeatedly set the world's top

In Jiangsu, a world-class river crossing connecting Changzhou and Taizhou is in the process of the final closing rush. The main channel bridge of Changtai Yangtze River Bridge has a main span of 1208 meters and a tower height of 350 meters. The span and height of the bridge are the highest of its kind in the world.

Unlike a large number of workers on the regular construction site, there are few workers in the rebar processing plant here. On the production line of steel bar parts, multiple robots for automatic blanking, cutting, bending and forming work together, transferring the overhead work that workers used to need to operate on the bridge tower to the factory in advance.

"In the past, for bridge projects of this scale, more than 40 workers were needed to tie the in-situ reinforcement loosely on the site. But now, only 8 people are needed to work on the reinforcement on the tower top of our project. The reinforcement parts are fully mechanized and high-precision, the project quality has been greatly improved, and the construction intrinsic safety has been greatly improved." said Zhang Hong, senior consultant of CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Bureau.

In Guangdong, Lingdingyang Bridge of Shenzhen China Channel is waiting for the final countdown of opening to traffic in the vast sea. Lingdingyang Bridge, a three span full floating system steel box girder suspension bridge with a main span of 1666 meters, has set a number of world records for the largest span, the highest navigable clear height, and the largest anchorage in the sea of steel box girder suspension bridges in the whole offshore sea. In this project facing world-class technical challenges, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. undertook several construction tasks such as the construction of the east main tower of Lingdingyang Bridge.

In order to solve the problem of anchor construction in the offshore marine sludge area, the project team proposed a self balanced flexible cofferdam of "lock steel pipe pile+I-shaped sheet pile+parallel steel wire cable" to achieve rapid island formation in 45 days. In order to reduce the labor intensity of workers and improve work efficiency, an intelligent tower building machine for concrete bridge tower was developed for the first time. The construction speed of tower columns can reach 1.2 meters per day, reducing overhead operators by nearly 60%.

Smart code behind the project

Recently, the evaluation work related to the 2024 International Bridge Conference (IBC) awards was completed, and four Chinese bridges were on the list. CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. occupied three seats, of which the Lingdingyang Bridge of Shenzhen China Channel won the George Richardson Award.

What kind of wisdom code is behind the "world-class" bridges that are constantly extending across the chasm? In recent years, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. has deeply studied the intelligent construction technology of bridge industrialization, put forward the idea of transforming "engineering" to "product", systematically built the overall architecture of bridge digital construction, and promoted the upgrading of bridge products. Today, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. has adopted key technologies and equipment for intelligent construction in nearly 20 major projects, and 400 projects have applied digital platforms, which is known in the industry as the "Dream Team of Building Bridges in China".

This "dream team" is not only good at tackling difficult and miscellaneous problems, but also continues to solve a series of fundamental problems in the field of engineering construction through scientific and technological innovation.

In 2019, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. began to develop a concrete cloud platform. After four years of iterative upgrading, the platform will be officially launched in February 2023. At present, this platform has accessed 400 project concrete production data, providing support for nearly 30 million cubic meters of concrete production and supply, and achieving the goals of optimizing resource allocation, improving equipment efficiency, and reducing material consumption.

Scientific and technological innovation is not achieved overnight. The research and development of each generation of products of CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. has gone through multiple rounds of experiments in Yangluo Experimental Base, and they continue to be upgraded iteratively after being put into field application.

In May this year, Hubei Yanji Yangtze River Bridge, the world's first suspension bridge with four main cable systems of different sag, will achieve the capping of the main tower. The integrated intelligent tower crane used here is the third generation product created by CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.

Powering enterprises through science and technology to create high-quality development engines

"Intelligent construction is an inevitable choice for the transformation and upgrading of the current transportation industry, and an inevitable requirement for promoting the high-quality development of the transportation industry. The Second Harbor Engineering Bureau takes the intelligent construction of bridges as a breakthrough, integrates the concept of industrial Internet, and builds an intelligent construction system. Relevant achievements have been applied in many scenarios." Li Zongping, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the Second Harbor Engineering Bureau of CCCC, said that today, The bridge construction has changed from the traditional manpower intensive construction mode to the technology intensive construction mode.

Over the years, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. has continuously improved the "big science and technology" system, and comprehensively improved its scientific and technological leadership and intelligent construction capabilities. At present, a scientific and technological system integrating scientific and technological research and development, technical services, design consulting, and digital technology has been established, and the two wheel drive of scientific and technological innovation and industrial incubation has been constantly strengthened.

Focusing on the construction of super long span bridges, industrial construction, advanced materials, intelligent equipment, digital technology and other directions, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Bureau has developed ten internationally leading bridge construction technologies, including kilometer level cable-stayed bridges, offshore super long span suspension bridges, and super long span steel truss arch bridges. Zhixing International, Wugang Institute and New Materials, which are affiliated to it, have become national "specialized, special and new" small giant enterprises.

In terms of innovation platform, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. has continuously built a high-end cooperation platform, jointly built the bridge intelligent construction laboratory of the National Digital Construction Technology Innovation Center, led the establishment of the Traffic Intelligent Construction Branch of the China Highway Society, and approved the national standard verification points for bridge intelligent construction, forming five national and 11 provincial innovation platform systems. The bridge intelligent construction research and development center built in Yangluo, Wuhan, is the largest and most comprehensive intelligent construction experimental base for construction enterprises in central China, providing an experimental pilot platform for the research and development of integrated tower cranes, reinforcement parts, and intelligent tower cranes.

In December 2023, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. was approved as a national standard verification point for intelligent bridge construction. This is the first national standardization innovation platform in the field of industrialization transformation of the bridge industry, which will strongly support scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation in the field of intelligent bridge construction, and further promote the establishment of standard technology system in the field of intelligent bridge construction. In the future, the platform will further optimize the development quality of industrial products, enhance the independent innovation ability of enterprises, and make contributions to the upgrading of China's standard quality and leading the development of the industry.

Editor in charge: Zhu Jingjing

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