Zhonggong Entertainment

"Eagle Eye" Guard Forest Protection

——Jin Guohui, Forest Protector of Xiaolongshan Forestry Protection Center

Source: Gansu daily
2024-05-23 09:48

Original title: "Eagle Eye" Guard Forest Protection and Green Conservation (theme)

——Jin Guohui, a forest ranger in Xiaolongshan Forestry Protection Center (subtitle)

New Gansu, Gansu Daily, Ma Guoshun

When he first saw the Jin Guohui, he was in the monitoring room of Baihua Forest Farm, Xiaolongshan Forestry Protection Center, making daily inspection through electronic eyes.

"The current equipment is amazing. The situation more than ten kilometers away is clear at a glance, and there is no need for special personnel to stare at the mountain anymore." Previously, the Jin Guohui had been stationed on a Dutou Mountain with an altitude of more than 2000 meters for 17 consecutive years, guarding nearly 60000 mu of mountain forest through an infrared telescope set up on the forest fire prevention lookout.

Jin Guohui, 59, is a forest ranger who has kept watch for the longest time since the observatory was built. The fire prevention lookout platform he stationed is located in the hinterland of Xiaolongshan forest area, with a forest coverage rate of 93.3%, which is a key ecological functional area in western China. "Monitoring the forest and insect situation, finding and stopping unauthorized logging and poaching in time, and preventing fire risks are my mission to stick to the lookout tower," Jin Guohui said.

In 2006, Jin Guohui, a forest ranger, accepted the work arrangement and took his luggage to the duty point near the lookout tower to be on duty 24 hours a day in the remote mountains and forests. When he first arrived at his new job, Jin Guohui felt that he had a great responsibility. He would climb up to the observatory every now and then to carefully inspect the area within his sight. From the duty point to the 16 steel steps on the top of the observatory, he would climb up and down dozens of times a day.

"When I just started this job, it was difficult to distinguish the fog in the mountains and the smoke caused by the fire, and I sent the wrong alarm several times." Jin Guohui said that although the fire alarm that he reflected to the field department through the radio was denied by the on-site investigation of the specially assigned person, he always felt embarrassed, "it consumed emergency strength and resources, and was a little dejected for a while".

Although the leader of the forest farm did not blame Jin Guohui for the false alarm and encouraged him to say, "If there is doubt, you can't let it go, and you'd rather run away by mistake than miss it", he did not allow himself to be professional and unskilled. Later, the number of times for the observation tower of the Jin National Emblem was more. He always bent over and looked at the telescope to observe the forest morphology in different terrain and at different times.

After repeated hard practice, the Golden National Emblem slowly developed a pair of "eagle eyes", which can accurately report the fire at the first time. Once, Jin Guohui suddenly found that a house was smoking at the foot of the mountain. When he was sure that it was not cooking smoke, he immediately called the relevant personnel to put out a fire caused by improper use of electric blankets.

In 17 years, due to the active early warning of the Golden National Emblem, the forest farm and the surrounding people have searched and handled fire hazards nearly a hundred times, without causing a forest fire accident. The staff and workers of the forest farm and the surrounding people all call the gold national emblem on the lookout platform an "artificial locator". Speaking of these, the words of the Golden National Emblem are full of confidence and pride. In fact, only he knows the ups and downs of 17 years in Gufeng.

As it is far away from the field, the living conditions are extremely difficult. In addition to a small plot of land developed by Jin Guohui himself, he can grow some vegetables, and the rest of the living and working materials are carried by him from the bottom of the mountain to the top. 50 kg of drinking water every three days, 1.5 tons of heating coal every year, plus rice flour oil, batteries, and maintenance materials, the Golden State Emblem carries more than 5 tons of materials to the mountain every year. "I have built three rest spots on the mountain road. Every time, I have to go to the nearest rest spot with all my strength and rely on the goods on a slightly higher platform to rest, otherwise I will not be able to stand up." Jin Guohui said with a smile.

In order to guard this hard won mountain forest, the Golden National Emblem voluntarily gave up all holidays including the Spring Festival, gave up the reunion with family members, and always stayed on the mountain. In particular, during the annual forest fire prevention period, the lookout tower cannot leave people day and night. The alarm clock of the Golden National Emblem must be set in the middle of the night, and the lookout tower will patrol the mountain forest every few hours.

The boredom, loneliness and hardship that he adhered to alone did not weaken the sincerity of Jin Guohui to his work. He was praised by Baihua Forest Farm for many times and was rated as the third "most beautiful forest ranger" in Gansu Province.

In 2022, the lookout tower where the Golden National Emblem was stationed was equipped with the most advanced "heavenly eye" early warning camera, and he finally withdrew from the isolated peak that he had been guarding for 17 years. "When I just pulled down, I didn't feel depressed. I was very disappointed. I felt suddenly that I was no longer needed. I was in a bad mood for a while.". Soon, Jin Guohui had a new task. He was more experienced in distinguishing and judging fires. He was often invited to the monitoring room to judge hidden dangers, and as a forest ranger, he hurried to the hidden danger spot for troubleshooting. Since then, Lao Jin has been busy on the road of forest protection.

"The 17 years of Laojin's persistence is a vivid interpretation of our forestry people's commitment to loneliness, dedication, and responsibility." Yang Wangxuan, secretary of the Party branch of Baihua Forest Farm, said, "We are going to name the 'heavenly eye' set up on the lookout platform as the 'Golden National Emblem', tell his story to the new staff, and pass on this valuable spirit of forestry people..."

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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