Zhonggong Entertainment

Wenzhou, Zhejiang: Exploring Customized Talents

Source: China Youth News
2024-05-23 07:12

Original title:

Wenzhou, Zhejiang: Exploring Customized Talents

Lei Jiancheng, Shi Jiayu, Zhongqing Daily, reporter of Zhongqing. com, Yang Baoguang

Promote the comprehensive quality of young employees through customized and practical youth talent cultivation mode. Recently, the State Grid Wenzhou Power Supply Company piloted the differentiated training of young talents in Rui'an City, Zhejiang Province.

The main measures to explore this innovative model include——

Cultivate system differentiation. Through the "Three Training Camps", we will build a differentiated and diversified training system for young workers. Set up "Young Eagle Training Camp" for young employees who have been on the job for 1-3 years, plan the career path of young workers through basic skills training, corporate culture learning, growth mentoring and other modes, and accelerate new employees to adapt to their jobs and integrate into the enterprise; The "Green Bird Intensive Camp" is set up for young cadres who have been on the job for more than 5 years, to cultivate youth management awareness, improve comprehensive literacy and innovative ability, and cultivate young cadre echelons through core skills improvement, tackling key problems in youth entrepreneurship projects, and successful incentives; "Touyan Promotion Camp" is set up for young managers to improve their ability to build teams, focus on management and lead projects through political theory learning, team operation, management psychology and other courses. By customizing personalized growth packages for young employees in a hierarchical and classified manner, we effectively planned the growth trajectory of young people, improved their comprehensive quality and ability to make contributions, and continued to provide young talent reserves for high-quality development of the company.

Cultivate content customization. The innovative "Yunjiang School" aims at tailoring training courses to the characteristics and needs of young employees, and improving professional knowledge and practical ability. Give full play to the exemplary role of Party members, and the young staff will be led by the team of internal trainers of Party members, so as to improve the pertinence and practicality of the training in a three-dimensional way, and make the training no longer divorced from the actual work. At the same time, integrating the training base, relying on the rich resources in the region, two branches of party member education and youth cadre education were established, providing a broader learning platform for young employees. In addition, it also created the "Palm Cloud River" virtual college, forming a "online college" and "base training" education and training pattern, so that young employees can better use the fragmented time, improve learning efficiency and improve learning effectiveness.

Diversified training modes. In addition to the "Yunjiang School", the State Grid Wenzhou Power Supply Company has also explored a variety of training modes such as night school, research and study to constantly meet the diverse learning needs of young employees. The night school mode makes use of young employees' spare time to enable young employees to master new knowledge and skills in a relaxed atmosphere through special lectures, case studies, experience sharing and other ways. The research mode encourages everyone to take the initiative to find and solve problems in combination with work practice, and improve their ability to solve problems by combining theory with practice through teamwork.

Since the implementation of the new talent cultivation model, the State Grid Wenzhou Power Supply Company has carried out 42 various trainings, with a total of 1374 person times of training, and young talents have grown significantly.

Zhou Wei, a young employee, has been working on the front line since 2017. He has presided over and participated in various large-scale comprehensive overhaul and technical transformation acceptance work, and has achieved good results in various skill competitions. He has won the titles of Wenzhou Technical Expert and Wenzhou Young Post Expert, In 2023, he won the sixth place in Zhejiang Asian Games Power Supply Guarantee, Operation, Maintenance and Overhaul Skill Competition held by Zhejiang Federation of Trade Unions.

Li Jian, a young employee, has been engaged in innovation and research for 10 years and has grown into an expert in electric power marketing skills. His participation in projects such as "automatic management system for electric energy meter verification" and "intelligent management of electric energy measuring instruments" has won 3 provincial and ministerial innovation awards and 5 awards from Zhejiang Electric Power Company. The Operation Instruction for Frequent Burnout of Low Voltage Metering Devices, which he participated in compiling, was popularized and applied in the power system of Zhejiang Province. The frequency of frequent meter replacement in Zhejiang Province due to meter burning decreased by 80.58%, reducing the loss of enterprises by more than 2.4 million yuan. As a member of the expert group, he has been invited to participate in the preparation of the guidance and operation instructions of the State Grid Corporation of China for many times to provide reasonable suggestions for power service work. In addition, Li Jian has also achieved good results in skill competitions and competitions at all levels. He has won the second prize in the State Grid Line Loss Skill Competition in the same period, the first prize in the Zhejiang Electric Power Company Line Loss Skill Competition in the same period, and has been rated as a young craftsman of Zhejiang Province, a technical expert of the State Grid Corporation of China, a technical expert of Zhejiang Electric Power Company, a loss control expert of Zhejiang Electric Power Company Zhejiang Electric Power Company is a star of excellent service, and is an expert in electric power marketing skills.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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