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Chongqing Machinery and Metallurgy Trade Union held a single employee fellowship activity

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-22 18:02

Original title: Chongqing Machinery Metallurgy Trade Union held a single employee fellowship activity

Worker's Daily - Huang Shiqiang, reporter of China Industrial Network

A few days ago, the 2024 Chongqing Machinery Metallurgy Trade Union Single Employee Friendship Activity ended. A total of 120 employees participated, and 22 pairs of young workers successfully joined hands.

The theme of this activity is "Coincidence · Encounter with Rural Metallurgy", sponsored by Chongqing Federation of Trade Unions and undertaken by Chongqing Machinery Metallurgy Trade Union. The activity not only provided an opportunity for single employees to blend their hearts, but also was a powerful practice for the trade union of the industry to accurately meet the needs of employees and deepen the care services for employees.

During the activity, 10 female workers and cadres from the basic level trade union of mechanical metallurgy system formed a "matchmaker group" to help single workers get closer and expand their circle of friends. With the development of a series of creative games, such as "love chain watching", "curling love", "love kangaroo", "song grabbing battle", "truth adventure", "two people and three feet", "fun casting" and so on, the single employees involved gradually broke the embarrassment of first acquaintance, brought each other closer, and pushed the activity atmosphere to a climax in the laughter.

The relevant person in charge of Chongqing Machinery Metallurgy Trade Union said that the fellowship activities will continue to be carried out online, providing more single employees with diversified, accurate and normalized fellowship services by building a platform for information exchange, safety and reliability, and resource sharing, and building a more harmonious and loving working and living environment for employees.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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