Zhonggong Entertainment

Gongyi City, Henan Province Held the Third Youth Talent Friendship Association

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 15:56

On May 20, the 3rd Youth Talent Friendship Association of Gongyi City, Henan Province was held in Du Fu's hometown square. The event was hosted by the Talent Work Leading Group Office of the CPC Gongyi Municipal Committee and the Gongyi Federation of Trade Unions, attracting more than 200 young singles.


On May 20, the 3rd Gongyi Youth Talent Friendship Association was held at Du Fu's hometown square. Courtesy of Gongyi Federation of Trade Unions

The gorgeous stage lights and live band performance filled the atmosphere. Through interactive games, lakeside whispers, tea tasting around the stove, drunken night trips, talent shows, truth announcements and other links, everyone gradually opened their hearts, talked about their ideals, and had a pleasant exchange, and spent a pleasant time together.

Guests at the meeting said that the outdoor fellowship activities were lively and interesting, and they hoped to organize more high-quality fellowship activities. The whole activity lasted more than 4 hours, and finally success 16 people in hand.

Next, the Gongyi Federation of Trade Unions will focus on the marriage and love needs of single employees, include the marriage and love services of employees in the practical list, take multiple measures to create a brand, precise and personalized marriage and love services, build a "bridge of magpie" for employees, guide young employees to establish a correct concept of marriage and love, and promote the harmonious development of the career and family of employees. (Liu Huan)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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