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Four Experiences of Rural Home stay Owners in Zhejiang

Source: China Culture Daily
2024-05-22 15:32

Original title: Four experiences of rural homestay owners in Zhejiang

China Culture Daily reporter Gao Ting

Zhejiang home stay has developed rapidly in recent years, becoming a highlight of local rural tourism. According to statistics, Zhejiang Province currently has more than 20000 B&Bs, with an annual operating income of more than 10 billion yuan; The scale of leisure agriculture and rural tourism industry exceeded 100 billion yuan, helping the village collective economy to continue to grow. The number of Zhejiang B&B practitioners reached 200000, which led to the return to the hometown to start businesses, revitalized idle resources, and the villagers' sense of happiness and gain continued to increase. Home stay plays an increasingly important role in the development of rural economy, injecting new vitality into the rural economy.

A few days ago, Zhejiang Tourism Home stay Industry Federation and Zhejiang University organized a team to conduct a questionnaire survey on more than 700 home stay owners in Zhejiang, summarizing and refining the connotation and performance of the four social responsibilities of Zhejiang rural home stay: economic development responsibility, cultural protection and production responsibility, community participation responsibility, and environmental protection responsibility, It is found that Zhejiang rural homestay has closely linked its own business development with rural economy, society, culture and environment, actively fulfilled its community centered social responsibility, and promoted rural revitalization and common prosperity in daily business operation and relationship interaction.

Home stay+agricultural villagers' pockets are bulging

"In the past two years, we have helped local villagers to sell agricultural and sideline products such as spring bamboo shoots, tea, farm chickens, and hand-made hot sauce, and created a brand featured hand gift, which has driven local villagers to achieve hundreds of thousands of yuan in product sales every year." The owner of the home stay in Yunxi, Tonglu, Hangzhou, said, "The home stay has attracted more tourists to the countryside, bringing a stable source of tourists and income to the countryside. We are also actively helping local villagers to participate in the homestay industry, not only to participate in the homestay work, but also to cook local dishes, sell local specialties, and so on, which has helped villagers increase their income to a certain extent. "

At the same time, homestay owners actively connect urban and rural resources, establish extensive cooperation with local farmers by purchasing or selling villagers' agricultural and sideline products on a commission basis, which not only improves villagers' income, provides new consumption scenarios for urban customers, but also realizes their own business diversification, and promotes the vigorous development of emerging industries such as rural e-commerce and rural community economy.

The premise of achieving "common prosperity" is to continuously create wealth and value. Wu Maoying, a professor of Zhejiang University, said that Zhejiang rural homestay has been actively exploring the path of high-quality development of rural industry for many years. Relying on rural resources, through localized procurement, localized employment, promotion of local tourism and other ways, it can not only achieve its own profits, but also boost the diversification and innovative development of rural industries.

B&B+culture, local culture live

To make the local culture "live", we need to let the culture create value. The survey found that rural homestay plays an important role in reversing the trend of population outflow and reviving rural culture.

Zhejiang Province attaches great importance to the excavation, inheritance and transformation of local cultural resources. Through the innovative category of "cultural theme (intangible cultural heritage) homestay", we encourage homestay owners to drive local culture to live by innovative operation, and realize the production transformation and innovative development of rural culture. Rural homestay owners create cultural space, hold local culture exhibitions, invite artists to stay in the village, etc., and promote the integration and collision of traditional local culture and modern art forms of expression; Develop cultural products and experience activities, enrich the product supply system of local culture, and broaden the income increasing channels of villagers, such as providing customers with cultural experience activities such as bamboo weaving, tie dyeing, paper cutting, etc.

Home stay+community and rural life become rich

Rural homestay plays an important role in improving the development environment of rural areas and improving the quality of rural public services. Many people have a relatively broad vision and rich social resources, and are closely related to local villagers. They can give advice and suggestions for the development of rural communities, strive for resources, and improve the supply of rural public services through integrating resources. For example, many people will combine their own homestays with the construction of rural libraries and rural cultural spaces, open them to villagers and tourists free of charge, and promote the inheritance of rural civilization and spiritual prosperity. They also actively launched various folk customs and festival activities, and promoted the establishment of the Young Villagers Association and the rural kitchen team.

"Zhejiang rural homestay is committed to improving the efficiency of rural community governance, improving public services in rural communities, injecting fresh impetus into rural development, and becoming an important force to promote the construction of livable, employable and beautiful villages." Wu Maoying said.

Home stay+green ecological environment

In order to achieve sustainable development, rural homestays cannot be separated from the original ecological natural scenery and the beautiful humanistic environment. Zhang Zhaomeng, secretary-general of Zhejiang Tourism Home Inn Industry Federation, said: "Zhejiang rural home inns have many innovative measures in reducing energy consumption, implementing green operation, promoting sustainable development, etc., such as using" green currency "," environmental protection red and black list "and other systems to guide the popularization of green operation ideas; By posting environmental protection signs, organizing waste classification and environmental protection activities, we cultivate customers' environmental awareness and inject sustainable development connotation into "common prosperity". "

Zhejiang rural homestays fulfill their environmental protection responsibilities through green energy-saving transformation, standardized green operation, and cultivation of ecological and environmental protection concepts. These practices are the result of the ecological concept of enriching people taking root at the grass-roots level in Zhejiang, and help to achieve the goals of green sustainable development, green common prosperity and "double carbon".

Over the years, Zhejiang rural homestay has carried out many innovative explorations. The relevant person in charge of the Department of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism of Zhejiang Province said: "Home stay owners use advanced business concepts and prominent cultural creativity to improve the rural business and help the high-quality development of rural industries; It integrates its own development into the broad pattern of rural construction, integrates personal feelings, ideals and aspirations into rural entrepreneurial activities, actively assumes community social responsibility, makes important contributions to the realization of material and spiritual common prosperity in rural areas, and gradually forms the 'Zhejiang experience'. "

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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