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The Federation of Trade Unions of Dongsheng District, Ordos City held a theme speech contest for employees

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 15:22

On May 21, the Federation of Trade Unions of Dongsheng District, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, held a theme speech contest for all employees of the district, "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty - Solidarity, Soul Casting, and New Journey of Gratitude and Endeavour with the Party".

During the competition, 27 contestants selected from the basic level trade unions in Dongsheng District conveyed the core values of the spirit of model workers and craftsman with sincere emotion and vivid language, vividly interpreting the image of a master who is down-to-earth, hardworking, silently dedicated, actively engaged in the main battlefield of all trades and professions, and struggling to realize the Chinese Dream.

After competition, Zhang Yichao, selected by the Trade Union Committee of Dongsheng District Meteorological Bureau of Ordos, won the first prize.

In the next step, the Dongsheng District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out various forms of ideological and cultural activities for workers, constantly strengthen the ideological and political guidance of workers, further encourage workers to work hard based on their posts, comprehensively improve the work ability of trade unions, and contribute to the trade union strength to promote the construction of "three districts and four cities" in Dongsheng District. (Jia Ning)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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