Zhonggong Entertainment

Wuhu Fanchang District Federation of Trade Unions Held Youth Talent Exchange Salon Activity

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 14:43

On May 21, the Federation of Trade Unions of Fanchang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province held a youth talent exchange and networking salon activity of "Ziyunying Blossoms, We Wait for You". Nearly 70 single employees from enterprises, organs and institutions across the region came to the good relationship with joy and expectation.


On May 21, Fanchang District Federation of Trade Unions held a youth talent exchange and networking salon activity of "Let's wait for you to come". Photographed by Shao Qianqian

"I am usually busy at work and have no time to contact friends of the opposite sex" "I am introverted and don't know how to communicate with others" "I want to stay in Fanchang, but I have been unable to find the other half I can talk to"... During the registration process at the early stage of the activity, most of the single employees said their emotional confusion and status. In order to make the activity more intimate and efficient, and meet the practical needs of young workers at present, the activity adopted the "online+offline" approach. During the two-day online warm-up session, single workers participated in the interaction of topics, carried out self introduction, signed up for personal talent display, etc. in the online group of friends, and increased mutual familiarity in advance.

The warm atmosphere, cheerful music, the fragrance of coffee, and the offline meeting are full of romantic atmosphere. The male and female guests sat together, divided into two squares, and took the lead in breaking the "freezing point" through a series of interactive games. At the coffee cup "love" surprise segment, four lucky male and female guests, with the help and guidance of the barista, jointly produced a unique hand brewed coffee. Under the guidance of the host, the male and female guest groups set up "card games" to increase the opportunities for interaction and communication and deepen the understanding of each other in the relaxed and pleasant activities.

In the next step, the Fanchang District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to focus on the difficulties of making friends, marriage and love among employees, establish a working mechanism of "platform+activities+services", spare no effort to create a brand of marriage and love services for employees, constantly innovate service forms, meet the personalized needs of young employees, and provide more efficient and accurate services. (Ma Yuli)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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