Zhonggong Entertainment

Huainan Federation of Trade Unions launched the "May 20 Bus Driver Care Day" activity

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 14:30

On May 20, the Huainan Federation of Trade Unions in Anhui Province, in conjunction with the Municipal Transportation Bureau, launched the "May 20 Bus Driver Care Day" activity at Caijiagang Bus Terminal in Huainan, aiming to continue to create a good fashion of understanding, respect, care and care for bus drivers.


On May 20, Huainan Federation of Trade Unions and Huainan Transportation Bureau jointly launched the "May 20 Bus Driver Care Day" activity. Photographed by Kong Weina

The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and their delegation visited the Anhui model workers, advanced figures and driver representatives of Huainan Bus, praised and encouraged the hard work of the bus drivers who fought in the front line, and sent them condolences and holiday blessings.

The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions fully affirmed the hard work of bus drivers and their important contributions to society, and requested that the grassroots trade unions should do a good job in security and service, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of drivers. At the same time, we call on all sectors of society and the general public to continue to care about and support the public transport work, respect the work and efforts of bus drivers, consciously abide by the bus rules, more understanding, respect and care for bus drivers, build a harmonious atmosphere of caring for bus drivers, and constantly enhance the pride and sense of belonging of bus drivers to the public transport cause. (Wu Zhibin)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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