Zhonggong Entertainment

Model workers and craftsmen enter the campus, and their role models help them grow

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 14:04

On May 18, the activity of "Labor creates happiness - model workers enter the campus", sponsored by Hebei Pingquan Federation of Trade Unions in conjunction with Chengde Federation of Trade Unions, Chengde Education Bureau and Chengde Daily, opened in Chengde Mountain Resort Enterprise Group. The Pingquan small press group of Chengde Daily, consisting of 120 people, attended the event.

During the activity, the small press delegation first visited the China Royal Wine Culture Museum and experienced the brewing technology. Later, in the conference room, Zhang Jirui, a model worker in Hebei Province, and Liu Shujie, a craftsman in Pingquan, shared with young journalists their struggle experiences and growth stories about how to create happiness through labor based on their own duties; The small group of journalists read the "Song of Workers" together to express their high respect for workers; The representatives of model workers and craftsmen wore the medal of labor for the representatives of small journalists, encouraging them to inherit and carry forward the spirit of labor and contribute to the progress of society. At last, the young journalists gathered together to draw a magnificent picture of the beauty of labor with colorful brushes.

At the end of the activity, young journalists said that they should study hard, establish a correct outlook on life, values, and work, learn from the selfless dedication, innovation and enterprising spirit of model workers, and strive to be good teenagers in the new era. (Qi Hongwei)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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