Zhonggong Entertainment

Luanzhou Federation of Trade Unions launched an online contest of "delivering health" and "delivering safety"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 14:01

From May 15 to 19, the Federation of Trade Unions of Luanzhou City, Hebei Province launched an online contest to answer questions with the theme of "delivering health" and "delivering safety".

The contest was held from 0:00 on May 15 to 24:00 on May 19, lasting for five days. During the five days, a total of 11284 people actively participated in the answering activity, and finally 27 first prizes, 27 second prizes, 33 third prizes, 29 excellence prizes, and 11 organization prizes were awarded. The online competition of "delivering health" and "delivering safety" has been actively participated by the majority of employees. Everyone said that the competition not only deepened the understanding of safety and health work, but also cultivated a positive attitude.

This online contest of "delivering health" and "delivering safety" is not only a contest of knowledge, but also a contest of attitude. It is hoped that through such activities, employees can pay more attention to safety, participate more actively in safety work, and jointly create a safer and healthier working environment. (Liu Junfeng, Cui Na)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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