Zhonggong Entertainment

Festival condolence, care, love and warmth

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 13:23

On May 19, the Labor Union of the 22nd Metallurgical Group of China carried out a wide range of consolation activities in the project departments under construction in order to further care for employees.

The leading group of the company went to the project departments of Aerospace Like, Qilidun, Hongtai Royal Mansion, Ruinan Zijun, Bameng Technological Transformation and other projects to carry out condolences activities, and provided the project staff with washing liquid, paper towels, toothpaste, fruit, rice, flour, grain and oil and other living materials.

The consolation activity is a powerful way to mobilize employees' enthusiasm and enhance cohesion. It can lead the company's employees to promote the construction of the project with a more full spirit. The company's trade union will continue to play a role in the future“ Mother's family ”To implement the organization's care. (Feng Jing)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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