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Zibo: Grass roots trade unions add "mother family" to serve workers more intimately

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 11:15

On May 18, the first member representative meeting of Zibo Property Service Industry Trade Union Federation was held in the city administration bureau, and 60 member representatives of the city's property service industry attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the Reply of Zibo Federation of Trade Unions on Approving the Establishment of Zibo Federation of Trade Unions of Property Service Industry and the Reply of Zibo Federation of Trade Unions of Property Service Industry to Convene the First Congress of Member Representatives were read out, the preparatory work report of Zibo Federation of Trade Unions of Property Service Industry was heard, and the qualification examination report of member representatives was reviewed and passed, The first trade union committee, fund review committee and women workers committee were elected.

At the meeting, Wang Yongcai, the newly elected chairman of the Zibo Property Service Industry Trade Union Federation, made a speech on strengthening organizational construction, improving the working mechanism of the trade union, strengthening education and training, improving the quality of members, and safeguarding the rights and interests of members. He said that he would give full play to the role of the trade union federation as a bridge and link, and organize and mobilize the vast number of property practitioners to promote Zibo The city's property service industry has made great achievements in the high-quality development, publicized the work and achievements of the trade union in the property service industry through multiple channels, and strengthened the cohesion and centripetal force of the trade union organization.

The relevant person in charge of the grass-roots work department of Zibo Federation of Trade Unions said that the newly established Municipal Federation of Trade Unions in the property service industry should make greater efforts to build mechanisms, strengthen functions and increase effectiveness, promote standardized and effective operation of work, carry out in-depth standardized creation activities, and explore and stimulate the vitality of employees; We should adhere to the work orientation of taking employees as the center, improve the service system focusing on inclusive services and targeted assistance, explore new ways and new paths to protect the rights and interests of employees, and ensure that employees have their own demands, opinions and difficulties. (Yao Feng, Ge Hongpu)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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