Zhonggong Entertainment

Telemetry troops: look up at the sky and pursue the trajectory

Source: pla daily
2024-05-22 10:14

Original title:

Telemetry troops: look up at the sky and pursue the trajectory

The telemetry equipment of a station in an air force base enters the measurement position. Photographed by Li Xing

■ Zhang Han, PLA Daily reporter, Li Youzhi, correspondent Hou Yinchi

"It's far from home and close to the sky"

Starting from Hangzhou, Assistant Engineer Shu Yiheng had to transfer at least 5 times to a station in an air force base. If there is bad weather, he has to leave three days in advance to ensure that he can return on time, which seems to be a bit different from the time when traffic is developed today.

After graduating from the Military Academy, Shu Yiheng was assigned to the telemetry post. On the measuring position, Shu Yiheng likes to sit on the Gobi sand and look at the stars. "Here you can see the Milky Way with the naked eye, but I don't have this chance at home.".

From a prosperous city to the vast Gobi Desert, Shu Yiheng, who lived in a superior environment since childhood, also had a gap. But in the face of the mission given by his post and the expectations of the officers and soldiers of the unit, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

"The role of high-tech weapons and equipment in the future war is self-evident. It's far from home and close to the sky, so I'm lucky to be here." Shu Yiheng has seen the latest weapons and equipment from close quarters. Many of their technical data have been reported by Shu Yiheng, which is also the source of his and his comrades' sense of mission and honor.

After repeated task tempering, Shu Yiheng witnessed the trajectory of trajectory and his own transformation and growth.

Corporal Gao Hankui, who is about the same age as Shu Yiheng, is a thin, black and capable young man. He wanted to use guns and guns when he was young, and he thought that that would be the way to defend his country.

After arriving in the army, Gao Hankui was assigned to the position of telemetering operation bugler. The gap between ideal and reality once depressed Gao Hankui.

In one task, the monitor designated Gao Hankui as the operation bugler. This position is the one with the least equipment in the shelter. A monitor and a joystick are all of the positions. However, this is the most critical position. The success of catching up with missiles depends on the skill of the horn operator. Entering the launch procedure preparation, Gao Hankui played a retreat drum: "Monitor, I'm afraid I can't keep up."

The monitor did not speak, stuck behind him and pressed Gao Hankui's hand tightly on the joystick. As the missile took off, the squad leader held the stability control lever to help Gao Hankui successfully record the mission data. At the moment of completing the task, Gao Hankui felt that "he has no reason to escape".

Since then, Gao Hankui began to devote himself to learning telemetry technology. During equipment operation training, he meticulously faced the monitor, kept controlling the rocker, and thought about the operation skills of antenna tracking.

The monitor smiled and said, "He has got it." In one year, Gao Hankui became the backbone of the telemetry equipment of the unit.

"Telemetry is just to check the pulse of equipment, and never lose your mind"

Outside the horizon, the target has taken off, and a telemetry vehicle immediately adjusted the parking angle of the antenna and aligned it in one direction.

Sure enough, the light white wake appeared in the monitor on time, and the lock signal was on. Qi Zhongmou, the second sergeant commander, quickly switched the working mode to successfully track the target relay.

When the task is completed, the atmosphere in the shelter begins to relax. As a telemetry veteran who has been engaged in this profession for nearly 20 years, Qi Zhongmou told his young comrades in arms about his feelings: "Now the password is getting shorter and shorter, and the trajectory measurement is getting longer and longer."

Qi Zhongmou is the backbone of the station's longest serving and longest professional sergeant telemetry. He has his own opinion on telemetry: "Telemetry is to sit down and check the pulse of equipment, and never be distracted." This sentence is simple, but it is not easy to do.

In order to obtain the performance data of equipment under various conditions, Qi Zhongmou and his equipment went to the plateau and "ate" yellow sand. A few days ago, they still wore short sleeves, and now they have to wrap their coats.

In winter, people shivered in the field. In order to restore the status of the measurement equipment as soon as possible and ensure that the telemetry data is recorded in good condition, Qi Zhongmou's heater never heats people, but only blows to the computer.

When the mission is concentrated, Qi Zhongmou will quickly pack up and move to the next position just after the missile hits the target. Telemetry officers and soldiers like Qi Zhongmou have traveled all over the country.

Even in summer, the early morning Gobi Desert is chilly. The moon was hanging high. On the measuring position of a mission launch, the squadron leader Wang Jidong watched the monitor closely in the shelter.

"Shoot!" A few words came from the dispatcher's telephone, and the fire was seen on the position. The target bullet in the monitor soared up and flew along the predetermined track.

"Pay attention to the main tracking gain, and switch to digital guidance tracking immediately in case of fluctuation!" Wang Jidong quickly gave the command, the antenna operator responded immediately, and the antenna steadily captured the target beam.

The target distance is getting farther and farther, so the antenna tracking the beam is more stable. In the shelter, there is only the report password of the dispatcher.

According to the estimated time, the target falls into the security control area. They were relieved after repeatedly confirming that the key data had been saved completely.

Wang Jidong's squadron often undertakes the task of arranging stations in the first launch area, and the data collected throughout the whole process is crucial to research and solve problems.

"Our job is to find and solve problems, and we should firmly grasp the special circumstances we can think of." Thanks to the full anticipation and repeated training of the special circumstances at ordinary times, the squadron successfully completed many important tasks, and won the third class collective merit last year.

"Now let's go, no one will be vague."

The train stopped at the platform slowly. Staff sergeant Shen Shuai picked up his luggage and walked out of the carriage, and got on the commuter bus that met the unit. While on leave, he received a notice from his unit that the task was ahead of schedule and he needed to return as soon as possible. A few days later, Shen Shuai and his comrades in arms stepped on the train to a survey position.

On this mission, Shen Shuai was stationed in a field position with his team. The short term is half a month, and the long term is several months. There are more than a dozen people on the battlefield, ranging from washing and cooking to guard duty and test tasks. Everyone has several jobs.

The reason why Shen Shuai hurried back to take part in the mission had a lot to do with his position as "steward". Affected by personnel adjustment, other comrades have no similar work experience. At the same time, he is responsible for all the support work on the positions, such as food, rice, oil, salt, water and electricity.

After a busy day, Shen Shuai and his wife made a video call to see their newborn son. The living shelter is a little cramped, and the mobile phone signal is very poor. The experience we have summed up is to try not to use the Internet at the same time for everyone, so as to ensure that the network speed is slightly smooth. Every time the video is connected, everyone always puts down their mobile phones to surround them, and is more anxious than Shuai Shen: "Come here, let me see Xiaoshuai too." "How can I feel that he will grow up again in a few days..."

When asked how to view the normality of gathering less and leaving more, Shen Shuai said: "When the older generation just came down from the battlefield, they drove to the Gobi Desert under the command of anonymity. At that time, the conditions were much more difficult than they are now. Now let's go, no one will be vague."

It is not uncommon for Shen Shuai to have the same idea as Shen Shuai. The sentence "Nothing" represents the engineer Xu Yuhang's positive attitude towards work and life. Xu Yuhang, who graduated from a local university, has grown into a backbone talent in telemetry data processing within one year. In the optimistic and cheerful Xu Yuhang, it is not obvious that he was once plagued by illness and had two major operations.

During the test mission of a certain type of equipment, he was still not fully recovered, and he endured the pain and insisted on putting in intense technical preparations. A year later, he underwent another operation, and only a few days after he was discharged from hospital, he returned to work again before his discomfort completely subsided.

Xu Yuhang thinks that what ordinary people can't understand is normal. He said to reporters: "This task was a technical connection I participated in before, but now it's a key node, so there's nothing to say." With enthusiasm, Xu Yuhang keeps up with work progress day and night, and often sits in front of a computer for most of the day.

The leader of the unit advised him to pay attention to his health, and the extra work unit would assign him to other people. But Xu Yuhang, who is usually good at talking, became obstinate this time, with a firm attitude: "I hope the organization will meet my personal wishes, and I will participate!" The unit had to respect his idea, and at the same time, the comrades in arms also reached a consensus on some jobs, Everyone "stealthily" pushed ahead without telling Xu Yuhang

After several months of fierce fighting, the mission was successful. The telemetry related software, which was compiled by Xu Yuhang, provided a reliable technical guarantee for the organization and implementation of the mission.

"The missile will not give us a chance to fly again"

With the development of weapons and equipment, the Ministry's demand for support equipment is increasing. During the delivery and testing of a certain type of measuring equipment by the manufacturer, Qi Zhiyuan, a key member of the team leader and sergeant of the receiving unit of the Ministry, found that the antenna of this type of equipment occasionally appeared "locked" for no reason.

At first, people didn't pay much attention to it, and the representative of the manufacturer also concluded that it was a normal phenomenon. Qi Zhiyuan disagrees with this conclusion. He studied with his comrades in arms for several days and tried to reappear again and again, but still couldn't find the reason.

When everyone paid attention to the running in of the software and hardware of the console, Qi Zhiyuan suspected that the "locking" phenomenon was related to the defects of the mechanical structure. "The missile will not give us a chance to fly again. If we don't believe it at this time, the equipment will fall off the chain when performing the mission, which will affect the mission process." Qi Zhiyuan said, expressing the thoughts of the officers and soldiers of the unit.

During that time, the oil engine powered by the antenna beside the shelter roared day after day. Qi Zhiyuan and his comrades ate and lived in the equipment shelter, and thoroughly checked one by one against the technical manual. After repeated failures and communication with the manufacturer's technicians, Qi Zhiyuan finally found the mechanical structure defect that caused the antenna to "lock", reported it in time and fed back to the manufacturer's technical director.

Repair equipment. Photographed by Li Xing

Visual inspection of equipment. Photographed by Li Xing

The manufacturer also recognized that this defect would bring risks to the equipment to carry out the task, and quickly renovated and upgraded some structures of this type of equipment, eliminating the hidden danger that may cause the loss of test data from the source.

The test data recorded by the antenna is extremely large, and the analysis and processing of the data is also undertaken by a unit of the Ministry. "Has this data been carefully checked?" Zhou Zexu, a senior engineer, said loudly. He could hear his voice repeatedly checking the data processing results half a corridor away.

In the eyes of the officers and soldiers, Zhou Zexu's greatest feature is his willingness to study and strong learning ability. He knows telemetry, programming and network. He can speak clearly from beginning to end of the whole system. He can give solutions to problems that others cannot solve.

That year, Zhou Zexu was assigned to solve the problem that a device in the telemetry command post could not receive data packets in a new format. Having never touched this field, he started from scratch, learned relevant switch configurations independently, analyzed network packets again and again, found the root cause of the problem, and finally successfully solved this technical problem.

In recent years, the development speed of weapons and equipment has been gradually accelerated, and the test mode has been updated accordingly. In the complex condition test task, the data obtained by telemetry is complex and closely related.

Zhou Zexu's team not only needs to do a good job in data classification management, but also needs to complete the analysis and processing of all data in the shortest time to provide data support for the evaluation of test results. It is difficult to imagine.

The young soldier of the unit said that if the test was carried out later in the day, Zhou Zexu would prepare strong tea in advance for the next overnight work. In the face of work pressure, Zhou Zexu and his comrades in arms knew the same thing: "In our posts, we must be responsible, and we must not be wrong at all."

(At the request of the interviewee, some characters in the article are pseudonyms)

The feet are bleak and the mind is hot

■ Zhang Han, PLA Daily reporter Li Youzhi

"There are no birds in the sky, and there is no grass on the ground. A hundred miles of no man's land, the wind blows the stones away." Just 20 words, it is a true portrayal of the geographical environment of a certain air force base and station.

The vast and sparsely populated northwest desert is always shrouded in a desolate color. Entering here, the reporter found that the vast Gobi was covered with the footprints of telemetering soldiers.

Their footprints always follow the path of "magic sword". Stepping into their ordinary positions, the light white trajectory on the shelter screen seemed to be the victory symphony played by these officers and soldiers.

Take a train from the nearest city and cross the desert and gobi to get close to this remote camp. Entering the gate of this army for the first time, reporters are catching up with them to carry out equipment operation training.

"The next time is right, now it is......" "The instrument is working normally, and the time record is good." The report from the dispatcher came from the shelter, and the antenna operator slowly controlled the antenna and aimed at the air... This is a very common training day for a station in an air force base.

The sun gradually sets, and the afterglow spreads all over the earth, combining with the standing antenna to form a picture with considerable charm.

These equipment with huge antennas have their special functions. Behind the special equipment is the special mission of this team.

This team is charged with the task of test telemetry, from data acquisition of flying targets in the air to processing and analysis of mission data, all of which are completed by them.

Telemetry is an important means of equipment measurement. Whether the design parameters are up to the standard and whether the machinery works normally requires the acquisition and analysis of telemetry data, which is of great importance to weapon tests.

In order to obtain more detailed test data, this team is often scattered around, and it is not easy to get together once. They use their own watch to accompany the great powers in the vast Gobi Desert.

The feet are bleak and the mind is hot. The electronic shelter is small, and the data station is small. Although there is no flame of the missile soaring into the sky here, every time the officers and soldiers of this department keep watch here, they inject invisible energy into the "magic sword" to fly, which is the ardent declaration of the telemetry soldiers' mission and responsibility.

Editor in charge: Chi Yuyang

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