Zhonggong Entertainment

Yantai Federation of Trade Unions builds bridges for employees

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 10:09

CAMCE News Recently, the Youth Workers' Friendship Activity of Yantai Water Transport System, which was hosted by the Yantai Federation of Trade Unions in Shandong Province, was held in the Workers' Cultural Palace. Young single workers gathered here to open their own romantic encounter.

At the event site, in order to let the single employees better integrate into the fellowship activities, the sponsor carefully planned a series of warm-up interactive games. On site interaction links such as "One Heart, One Mind", "You Choose Me", "Love Relay", "I Choose You", and "Romantic Dating" have enabled single men and women to go from strangers to acquaintances, to work together to complete challenges one after another, and also let them more bravely express their intentions and hold hands for love. A total of 19 pairs of young men and women held hands successfully in this activity. Many young men and women exchanged contact information on the spot and expressed their willingness to understand in depth.

This friendship activity was unanimously praised by the on-site staff. They all said that this activity not only provided an opportunity for single employees to communicate and interact with each other, so that everyone had the opportunity to make more friends, but also let everyone feel the concern and attention of the trade union organization to the life of employees.

Since this year, the Federation of Trade Unions of Yantai City has organized six activities of "Gathering Good Luck, Love Meeting Happiness in Mountains and Seas", which has built a sincere and warm friendship platform for the majority of workers. In the next step, Yantai Trade Union will continue to play the role of bridge and link, based on the demands of young workers, constantly innovate service methods, improve service quality, take activities as the carrier, guide young workers to establish a civilized, healthy and rational concept of marriage, love and family, actively promote the solution to the problems of making friends and marriage of single age workers, and further enhance the sense of happiness and gain of workers. (Song Jie)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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