Zhonggong Entertainment

Yantai carries out employee psychological empowerment activities

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-22 10:02

CAMERnet News May 20 is the sixth national "bus driver care day". The Yantai Federation of Trade Unions of Shandong Province organized a series of mental health activities for 120 employees of Yantai Public Transport Group with the theme of "psychological empowerment and warmth for peers" to help drivers reduce pressure and empower, and create a good atmosphere of respect and care for bus drivers.

Jiang Xiaoyu, a member of the psychological care expert group of Yantai Federation of Trade Unions and a national secondary psychological consultant, was invited to give a lecture. Lecturers give lectures on mental health to drivers of main companies, guide drivers to establish a rational way of thinking, use correct attitudes and scientific methods to deal with pressure and manage emotions, and improve quality of life and work efficiency. Subsequently, some key control drivers participated in group sand table activities to relieve their emotions and pressure. Finally, the activity carried out one-on-one psychological counseling services for the "eight lost" drivers with emotional problems to provide targeted psychological counseling.


On May 20, Yantai Federation of Trade Unions carried out psychological empowerment activities for bus drivers. The picture shows the activity site. Courtesy of Yantai Federation of Trade Unions

After the activity, the staff participating in the course said that they had gained a lot. They not only recognized the importance of mental health, but also improved their ability to regulate their emotions. In the future, they can more calmly cope with pressure and challenges, and invest in work and life with a more sunny and positive attitude and full enthusiasm.

According to the relevant person in charge of the trade union, this activity is a festival featured activity carried out by the Yantai Federation of Trade Unions for units involved in the construction of the "1261" employee psychological empowerment and efficiency increase system. It uses a variety of activities to meet the needs of employees' mental health in a multi-level and all-round way, and plays an active role in improving the level of employees' mental health and building a happy enterprise for employees. (Song Jie)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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