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Beijing University of Technology cooperated with five universities to carry out student party building exchange activities

Source: People's Network
2024-05-22 11:29

Original title: Beijing University of Technology cooperated with 5 universities to carry out student party building exchange activities

People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 21 (Reporter Hao Mengjia) On May 20, Beijing University of Technology and five universities in Liangxiang University Town jointly carried out student party building exchange activities and the founding ceremony of the Publicity Alliance. The theme of this activity is "giving play to the leading role of party building and cultivating loyal, clean and responsible high-quality talents for the cause of building a strong country", which is divided into three key links: learning party discipline together, exchange and display, and alliance ceremony.

Pang Siping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Beijing University of Technology, said that the five universities' joint efforts to carry out student party building exchanges and establish a propaganda alliance are a useful attempt to further promote the open sharing of high-quality educational resources and work together to create an educational community of great party building and great thinking.

Pang Siping encouraged teachers and students to learn discipline and increase their credibility, be loyal to the Party, and use ideals and beliefs to steer the "steering wheel"; We should learn discipline and cultivate our morality, keep clean, and draw a good "coordinate axis" of life with a strong party spirit; We should learn discipline and practice, dare to take responsibility, practice hard "real skills" with hard work and dedication, take practical measures and tough courage, through trials and hardships, see the world, grow our talents, strengthen our muscles, consciously enhance our Party spirit, consolidate our professional ability, hone our excellent skills, and strive to become the pioneer list.

At the meeting, Professor Chai Baoyong, the leader of the discipline of inner-party laws and regulations at the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, interpreted the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China for teachers and students. The representatives of the student party branches of the five schools successively shared the practice of carrying out party discipline learning and education, and demonstrated the characteristic brand and experience of the party branches.

In addition, the five schools also jointly launched the student party discipline knowledge contest and the student party branch brand building achievement exhibition.

In the next step, the five universities will adhere to the principles of information exchange, resource sharing, integration of advantages, and collaborative innovation, build a solid community of party building and education, and jointly carry out activities featuring student party building and ideological and political education, so as to contribute wisdom and strength to the cultivation of more loyal, clean and responsible high-quality talents.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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