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"Small Fairs" Gather "Great Public Welfare"

Huai'an, Jiangsu Province Held 520 Public Welfare Market Activity of "Lighting up with Heart, Let Love Glow"

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-22 09:11

Original title: "Small Market" Gathers "Great Public Welfare" (quotation)

Huai'an, Jiangsu Province Held 520 Public Welfare Market Activity (Theme) of "Lighting up with Heart, Let Love Glow"

Worker's Daily - Huang Hongtao, reporter of China Industrial Network, Cai Feng, Lu Keyu, correspondent

"Light up with heart, let love shine, let us use our surging hearts and healthy bodies to participate in public welfare..." On May 20, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, "Light up with heart, let love shine" Zhengda Qingjiang · Pink Ribbon "520" public welfare market activity was held in Huaiyin Time Cultural Creative Park. More than 300 people participated in the activity, including cadres of the municipal federation of trade unions, trade union cadres and staff representatives of enterprises directly under the municipal government, and volunteers of the municipal pink ribbon volunteer association.

The event was hosted by Huai'an Federation of Trade Unions, Huai'an Municipal Health Commission and Zhengda Qingjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. During the activity, the Municipal Health Commission presented free contraceptives, self-help machines, publicity kits and other materials to the enterprise's female staff carnation service station. The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and Zhengda Qingjiang Pharmaceutical presented "520" service gift packages to female staff representatives to award the "love ambassador". The city pink ribbon volunteer association also released the "eight major" public service projects in 2024. At the same time, the Municipal Health Commission, Zhengda Qingjiang Pharmaceutical, the Second People's Hospital and other units also set up more than 20 booths on the site to carry out health promotion and free clinic activities, so that employees feel the warmth and care from all sectors of society. "This public welfare fair not only let us know about various practical services, but also enjoy health free clinic services, which is really very considerate!" Ms. Li, a female worker at the activity site, said.

The relevant person in charge of Huai'an Federation of Trade Unions said that he hoped that through the public welfare fair activities, more people would join the public welfare service team, light up every corner with love, let the power of public welfare infect everyone, and gather into the ocean of great love with little action.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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