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Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions: implement policies based on local conditions

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-22 07:23

Original title: the standard text was issued and 8 measures were introduced. The Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions promoted "one letter and two books" to go deeper and more practical (quotation)

Implement evidence-based policies and adjust measures to local conditions (theme)

CAMCE News (Worker's Daily - CAMCE reporter Zhang Shiguang) After issuing the standard text of "one letter and two books" in 2023, the Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions recently issued the latest version of the standard text, and introduced 8 specific measures to ensure that the "one letter and two books" system plays an important role in safeguarding the rights and interests of workers.

In recent years, the General Manager of Heilongjiang Province has attached great importance to the promotion of "one letter and two books". In July 2023, the Heilongjiang Provincial Federation issued the Work Plan on Establishing and Improving the "One Letter and Two Books" System of Labor Law Supervision of Trade Unions (Trial), which clarifies the details of supervision content, supervision methods, work processes, etc., and also issued the standard text of "One Letter and Two Books" to the trade union organizations at all levels of the province to ensure that the grass-roots units have a grasp, a standard and see the actual results when implementing it.

In accordance with the unified standard, the trade unions of all cities (prefectures) in Heilongjiang Province have made precise measures in the implementation process according to local conditions.

The Jixi Federation of Trade Unions, in accordance with the requirements of the Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, has implemented the "three books" system of trade union rights protection. Before the "two books", the "Mediation Book of Trade Union Rights Protection" has been added. For some labor disputes between enterprises and employees, the first step is to participate in the adjustment from the source, so as to save employees' time costs and litigation costs as much as possible; Qiqihar Municipal Federation of Trade Unions also invited professional lawyers to intervene in relevant labor disputes for guidance when sending a "letter", so as to resolve the disputes in the bud as far as possible; The Daqing Federation of Trade Unions has established a cooperation mechanism with the procuratorial organs at the same level to regularly study and judge the characteristics and key points of illegal cases in the workforce and the labor field, and solve major problems through consultation; The Federation of Trade Unions of Heihe City, in combination with the characteristics of its border area, has focused on overseas Chinese funded enterprises in the process of promoting the deepening and implementation of the "one letter, two letters" system, and carried out targeted "legal physical examination" of labor employment.

Recently, the Heilongjiang Provincial Federation formulated the "Special Action for the Implementation and Supervision of Work related Laws and Regulations in 2024 and the" One Letter and Two Books "Work Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Labor Law Supervision of Trade Unions. On the basis of summing up previous work experience, and in accordance with the relevant requirements of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, the Heilongjiang Provincial Federation proposed to strengthen the construction of organizational teams, follow up the clues in time, establish a collaborative linkage mechanism Carry out "legal physical examination" for labor employment and other 8 aspects to promote related work.

According to the work plan, next, trade union organizations at all levels in Heilongjiang Province will establish and improve supervision organizations and provide labor law supervisors. At the same time, the training of labor law supervisors will also be included in the training of trade union cadres. By making good use of the 12351 employee service hotline, the "1+3" employee appeal service mechanism and other platforms, and the "previous generation and next generation" and "legal physical examination" and other mechanisms, we will effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, promote the construction of harmonious labor relations, and help optimize the business environment. It is reported that the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government have included the "one letter and two letters" system into the assessment task of optimizing the business environment of labor force.

"Fully implement the 'one letter and two books' system as an important task of the provincial labor work special class, and incorporate it into the evaluation work of optimizing the business environment in Heilongjiang Province." Wu Qiong, vice chairman of the Heilongjiang Federation of Trade Unions, said that the provincial trade unions should promote the inclusion of the contents of the' one letter and two books' into the cooperation and linkage mechanism between the trade unions and the people's society, courts, procuratorates and other units, Promote the effective connection between trade union labor law supervision and other forms of supervision. The work of "one letter and two books" of labor law supervision of trade unions has been deepened and implemented by promoting the introduction of the work guidelines of "one letter and two books", promoting the supervision mode of "the previous generation and the next generation", establishing and improving the work incentive evaluation mechanism and other measures.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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